  • Report:  #3332

Complaint Review: Capital Credit - Santa Ana Heights California

Reported By:
- Columbus, OH,

Capital Credit
20331 Irvine Avenue E3 Santa Ana Heights, 92707 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was suspicious of a credit card offer pre-approved up to $15,000, since I have very bad credit!

So I got online and searched for Capital Credit. Sure enough, someone else had already filed a report on them. This is the language they use in their offer: "You my use your gold card immediately upon receipt for all purchases from credit provider." --This was what tipped me off, and sure enough, the other person who reported them said that for $44 they send you their catalog and a card that works only for their catalog.

Anyway, this is all to say: READ THE LANGUAGE in any offer you get.

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