  • Report:  #1452851

Complaint Review: Cambodia Expats Online - Phenom Penh

Reported By:
D Heymen Lawfirm - Las Vegas, United States

Cambodia Expats Online
Phenom Penh, Cambodia
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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My client is a high profile figure, hence his image is his commodity like all celebrities. What took place initially my client was living and working in a top ranking possition within the Cambodian casino industry. This country has many issues such as Chinese buying up entire cities, lack of oversight, due process, regulations we are accustomed to as its a third world country yet developing quickly.

There was one instance my client was not returned a rental deposit of $800 USD, being a part of that said climate there is no recourse especially for outside forigners whom live there.

Over time my client as a matter of prinicpal took to many different approaches to recoup the loss, than as a last resort warned others about the ordeal. It was strange, they home owners just "stuck in" a Chinese family without notice that is apparently common there. Contracts are hard to enforce in addition to the said corruption.

The current legal matter

This "news organization" is not a publication or legitimate entity, based on my brief analysis, they just go off any "heresay" as "news". Which in our civilized culutre would be countless accounts of slander.

Such as with the case of the client, with no evidence, no person attached to the "news" they attempt to tarnish my client publicly by having one of its seemingly senior members plaster confidential identifications that is ample for identity theft with an incredibly bogus email, containing threats allegding my client had produced it.

I observed neutral comments of users stating they are professional Cambodian English teachers, and this was typical Cambodian broken English, a native English speaker did not produce it. In fact, nobody produced it (as an email sent out) it is clearly just some terrible photoshopped text poorly made to resemble an email by way of structure.

Immediately my client requested this be removed, at least his identifications. They refused (red flag) causing him to have to report his passport/other ID as published setting the stage of identity theft of multiple risks.

The present situation suspected theory

Daniel Mackevili (I could not help to note "evil" is contained in this mans name) is the owner, refusing to help prevent any fraud and total disregard for the story being fake and himself making numerous, slanderous comments on this matter and my client. At first it seemed to be sensationalized for self publicity, the average "story" or "thread" on this blog type news site garners 20-100 views, my clients is at over 35,000.

They have a moderation system in place, in every instance of any positive comment (I attempted myself) they would not allow it to publish. Again, my first thought was perhpas this is to keep it one sided for the "hits" but this is now not a news site, but a slanderous business model, not impartial in any way.

I noted in the owner's own words my client is the "real deal", I feel he got exited to exploit the only western celebrity that lived in that country during this period whom is an American entertainer currently.

The thread opens with some horrible, ridiculous accusation of "rape threats" which in itself is liablous, in fact in my apprasial 90% of that site's content is. I cannot fatham how they can operate in such a manor, there must be a lack of overisght.

The thread is started apparently by the owner's worker, publishing all this. And every attempt to respond to the initial post is denied, it is easily debunked. So what is their motive?

My client recieves an email stating if he does not like what is occuring, send $20,000 to a bank account number supplied and the slanderous thread posts, data mining and publication of confidential materials will cease. Amazingly, this operation starts data mining my client vigorously concurrently, I ask myself why would they devote all this man power for just another thread.


By additional confidential materials I am talking about marriage divorce decree, Records of completley unrelated insidents, down to financial information, just about anything they could pull and this is very timely. I was in disbelief on what I was seeing, gossip offered as fact but than more and more confidential documents in EXACT continuity with the bribery email.

This thread attracted people, but even the users are discussing how to identity theft with this data.

Again to reiterate, there is no way this is a legitimate "news" outlet:

1) they are bias

2) there is no open commenting

3) any proof to clear the accusations are deleted

4) this was all begun (the thread) internally

5) they have displayed disregard when put on notice of the bribery

Thus, the owner Daniel Mackevili is our number one suspect in this matter via common sense, perhaps working in league with the con man whom stole my clients rental deposit on account he could provide the initial identifications.

Why would someone be so brash in a crime? they are overseas and the court system is not one of fair due process we are acustomed to in the west.

If you, or anyone you know has suffered this type of criminal behavior from this organization please contact me.

We will be contacting the authorities as it is a major criminal matter of extortion they are not only condoning but I inend to prove conducting, not civil. They are knowingly commiting many torts which is common practice, I am confident this is all orchestrated by the sites owner.

contact my law office if you have any grievance with this operation.

Thank you

(I cannot put my lawfirm nor my email in this post please DM for any info or if you are also a victim)


Las Vegas

Report Attachments

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Al Khubar,
Eastern Province,
Saudi Arabia

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 21, 2021

I have had serious problems with this site and dealings with Daniel Mackevili.

Officer J. Malik

Las Vegas,
United States
How DANIEL uses fake references from other criminals to gain employment to exploit women and children

#3Author of original report

Tue, April 09, 2019

 I am an officer of the law and private investigator looking for the whereabouts of an American citizen named Daniel Macylmore aka "Mackevili” (dark web alias): he is posing as an "expat” of Cambodia, he in fact does not live there (Cambodia nor anywhere in S/E Asia) regardless of owning and operating CambodiaExpatsOnline.com he has also used extortion to obtain CambodiaExpatOnline.com which was dedicated to profile his identity and countless accounts of cyber crimes.

Several government law enforcement agencies have a profile on him, sighting ongoing complaints and reports including and not limited to: -ID theft ( -sale of counterfeit American and UK passports (Interpol matter for Securety) -Extortion/Sextortion -Blackmail -Child Exploitation Criminal reports and contacts: -Sherrif Kaegan of the Niagara Police Department incident #18-81842 for blackmail/extortion/stalking in the Niagara Region -RCMP #18-81842 CAFC (Canada with Interpol) -FBI IC3 refferance #2018-63978 -FBI field office Houston, TX USA (needing his whereabouts for arrest) -

We obtained his "Whatsapp" phone # +85589501007 Again, he is American yet moves around (Saudi Arabia, South East Asia, etc to avoid capture) operating in such a way a dark web area of his site. - He uses the guise of an English teacher to victimize and exploit children - My client had his ID stolen, manipulated, published on this criminals site in conjuction with a fake defamatory story which is clearly not true: thus, Macylmore locked the post to avoid anyone’s right to respond and exposing the many evident inconsistencies proving it is not credible.

Do not attempt direct contact with this criminal as simple email correspondence will furnish him with your home IP/physical address. He has extorted payment for removal of stolen ID/fake defamatory story which was a hoax. He merely hid the thread, only to reactivate (12/13/18) to the top of Google in attempts to re-extort for a larger sum of cash.

Targeting children and pinpointing a home location in order to invoke fear for victims to meet his never ending demands. He is targeting primarily high profile gaming, poker, entertainers and executives for the said crimes along with all users of his website (which openly sells fake Identifications). His known accomplice has been identified as Charles Dashwood, a failed news contributor turned dark web data miner to finance travel and postings under the alias Gavin_Mac also Cam Navig on many overseas dark web criminal websites: primarily CambodiaExpatsOnline.com: under the guise of a "news organization”, it is a cesspool of slander, fake news, criminal activity as mentioned.

Contact myself Officer James Malik directly at 416.660.3154 or any of the law enforcement contacts provided above with appropriate case numbers. All evidence has been submitted we have no idea how these criminals obtained stolen ID used for the crime, but indeed sold under the "dark web” portion of the criminal website.

A $1000USD reward is being offered for a tip leading to capture, via any of the law enforcement agencies also dedicated email: [email protected] I repeat do not attempt email or WhatsApp contact directly, the many victims report he is a master at locating IP address to further victimize you. As with all online extortionists paying him off to stop which ever crime he is perpetrating proved to only escalate the matter. Please leave it to the authorities, report your case details and his whereabouts.

Thank you kindly for your review and diligence on this career dark web criminal facing a multitude of serious criminal charges. His best friend in Cambodia is Darren Conquest khmer440.com admin whom is guilty of sexual crimes, fake news, extortion in partnership with dark web admin Daniel Macylmore facing criminal charges in the United States and Canada.

James. M

Reward for location of Daniel for FBI in USA now wanted officially for blackmail/extortion

#4Author of original report

Sat, February 09, 2019

 There is a reward for the whereabouts of Daniel Macylmore. He has commited a felony offense of blackmail/extortion. He was compansated to remove an illegal post only to reactivate and demand a large sum of money. This person is facing felony charges in the United States. He moves around operating his criminal operation of selling fake ID (ad proven here, child pornography and sextortion by many victims unrelated to this matter). Darren Haymen is the immigration lawyer for the victim not the author I must correct.

He was placed as a contact since ID's where stolen/published/sold by him. Contact me at 416.660.3154. My name is James: an officer and private investigstor in Canada and the USA. The crimes are reported he is wanted in both countries. Also [email protected] is how you can contact me. Reporting on Daniel Macylmore: Sherrif Kaegan of the Niagara Police Department incident #18-81842 (also can report to him). Also you can contact the FBI as there is an active case on him.

Any of these reporting options or directly contacting me will award the hero that can bring this scumbag who harms/exploits children and conducts blackmail for profit full time. Ecisting ports: Niagara Region Canada incident #18-81842 CAFC fraud reporting IC3 refferance #2018-63978 FBI (needing his whereabouts for arrest) His "Whatsapp" # +85589501007 Again, he is American yet moves around to avoid capture and operates such a way a dark web area of his site. (Per below) My client had his ID stolen, published on this criminals site in conjuction with a fake defamitory story. All users realize it is a hoax used for extortion so Daniel "LOCKED" the thread demanding once again payment to remove. The crime is done.

He is a wanted man turn him in to the FBI we will compensate you. Recent: reason for FBI looking for him Daniel recieved payment via web/domain propperty and informstion of a mulitude of additional accusers from sextortion, selling stolen ID to child pornography. He never deleted anything. Just "hid" the thread temporaraly only to reactivate to attempt to extort a cash sum second round. This is a disgusting filthy scumbag that dwells within the dark shadows of the web with an alias.

It is gross what this criminal does. Sickened me reviewing the evidence Help us or the FBI directly to locate him to face justice. You will be paid within 24 hours. Your assistance is a public service to National security and children due to his disgusting child exploitation ring and serial extortion. He is an American citizen. Although he operates a "Cambodian Expat" site. He is in fact not an expat or we would have him in custody now. Daniel thinks the victim can be made to be the "bad guy" like all crooks try to justify their crimes.

Victim, he has never had any trouble or committed any offense. Rather a highly published, respected legitimate decorated executive and entertainer. Hence the demographic to target for these dark web criminal anonymous operations for ID theft and blackmail. Thank you for taking the time to learn about this sociopathic criminal that will not stop until capture. Home grown terrorism in my opinion. He should have his citizenship revoked. James M.


Las Vegas,
United States
Recovered stolen items

#5Author of original report

Fri, February 08, 2019

 These are the recovered items where stolen by this scumbag. His girlfriend was caught on camera at a gas station dumping.

The police contact Apple, in turn the victims now we must find the exact location of this criminal.

J. Pierce

Las Vegas,
United States
CambodiaExpatsOnlilne.com twitter account locked for abuse

#6Author of original report

Sat, December 15, 2018

 Criminal behavior in social media. So they take the take stories manufactured to extort you to their illegal server, since twitter will not tolerate their illegal practices on their platform. They are fooling no one as a "news company".

Report Attachments

J. Peirce

Las Vegas,
United States
Criminal Extortion SCAM update: Daniel Macylmore owner new extortion and selling fake ID NATOINAL SECURETY RISK

#7Author of original report

Sat, December 15, 2018

The owner of CambodiaExpatsonlne.com Danial Macylmore is a fraudulent con man that just committed a new offense of blackmail and extortion. Daniel has many allegations, primarily that he is a pedophile. Traveling targeting to teach children in third world countries in order to commit sexual assault. When these accusations arose with our concerns of the fake ID. Daniel offered to remove a slanderous unrue thread in exchange for: 1) reporting on here is agreed to such 2) reveal the person(s) coming forth with his past of sexual misconduct involving children, using his site for extortion, personal revenge etc. Regretfully we negotiated with this terrorist. Proved we invented none of the allegations and have all screen shots of the disgusting acts he is accused of from witnesses in Cambodia. This is about 4 months ago.

Well, the con man Daniel is. He demanded and received a blackmail payment , simply hid the thread. Than, when we caught on to his scam and demanded it actually deleted in 72 hours or legal action. He simply put the thread live revealing it was a scam, and made new extortion demands. He acts insane, Not concerned about the law. I do not want to give the details of an open investigation, needles to say a joint task force is closing in on this horrible criminal enterprise. These personal insidents are not the big picutre. His website, himself, this matter all began with the obtaiing and sales of American, UK and Canadian fake passports/other ID on his site.

Daniel Macylmore is a domestic terrorist in our opinion at this point. He is overseas usng stolen documents, extorted, enabling whoever to enter the USA using his site as a global dark web hub. Just look at the anonymous players here, they look like real life evil monsters. Tell me Charles Dashwood (his partner in crime) does not look like Gargemel pictured above? He can keep up his games but this post is for all the victims to know, whatever country you are in. There is a joint task force to hunt down scum like this. He is an American Citizen and the FBI has an open file on him. Report it. Daniel is crazy. Speaks of "helping" those he extorts and the FBI he is hiding from. Once the new case is not sensitive I will disclose every detail. He is a fraud, defrauded us out of a domain propperty and demands to remove harmful content. Only to repeat. He needs to be stopped. If you advertise on his business you are allegedly funding terrorism, child exploitation, extortion, blackmail in his network of underground criminal anonymous dark web dwellers.

Report Attachments


Las Vegas,
United States
Confirmation of testimony of user

#8Author of original report

Thu, September 27, 2018

As the original poster of this thread. I can confirm the original complaint has been rectified in a very profesional way, by the owner himself of Cambodia Expat Online Daniel Macylmore. He deleted the thread sighting it's breach of law, ethics and Identification protection. 

 The liability is on the person whom illegally obtained the identification data, and posted it being Charles Dashwood. If the data was in fact obtained throgh facebook that is another legal matter within this matter. 

Personal Assistant

Las Vegas,
United States
Cambodia Expats Online has corrected my grievance

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2018

Through a very thorough investigation. A post on this site compramising my stolen identifications where found to be at the hand of a single individual being Charles Dashwood. This concludes any and all concerns I have with CEO as a company and its owner, which has been helpful and rebutable on the road to resolving this precarious. Additionally, I have found other allegations to be unsubstaniated and do not feel they have any merit. 

Officer of ID theft Prevention

Las Vegas,
United States
Charles Dashwood is the real criminal with many alias see Cambodia Expat Online selling fake ID online

#10Author of original report

Sun, September 16, 2018

Charles Dashwood aka Cam Navig aka Gavin_Mac, the main contributor on illegal dark web sites mainly Cambodia Expats Online. He as obtained our clients identification illegally, discussed selling the additional items needed to do so. This is an admin designed advertising to sell illegal counterfeit Canadian and American Identifications. This is why this criminal organization targeted our client, but it backfired. We pulled them from the shadows and bringing them to justice.

Report Attachments


Las Vegas,
United States
Gavin Mac aka (Cam Nivag) is the partner in crime, he posted enableing extortion (REWARD FOR INFO TO SERVE HIM LEGALLY)

#11Author of original report

Sun, August 19, 2018

This is a serios criminal matter, of lesser consiqence is the civil implications of the actions from these low lives. Gavin Mac is another anonymous criminal that hides his identity. He has been stalking, posting data suitable for identity theft, the partner of Daniel Macylmore in posting fake stories and personal data for the purpose of extortion. 

Mr. Mac has expressed little concern for being caught sighting he is currently in Bangkok, but apparantly is from Las Vegas. These strange peon alias "news posters" engage at times in criminal activity, extreme in this case. 

Gavin travels and feels this gives him immunity to commit very big cyber crimes that supercede local jurristiction, falling under international law criminal law. 

We can file a civil and criminal suit at this time agaist the master site owner and known child sex offender Danial Macylmore aka Daniel Mackevili, we are looking for domestic (USA) information to have justive awaiting Mr. Mac for this relentless cyber crimes and disturbing actions out of obsession. 

This is the type of operation CambodiaExpatsOnline.com is.. beware to use, as any info they will abuse, to finance them is to finance terror and child abuse. 

please assist in stopping this criminal organization. 

Maclymore alert

Phnom Penh,
Maclymore's "charity scam" to get close to children

#12Author of original report

Sat, August 18, 2018

This is a man who operates a slander site to extort people, that operates in a country outside what he represents in order to violate international law in our educated research.  

Either a good person donates time to help chldren, now the allegations toward this individual is clear with his conduct in continuity with what has been reported during his "donation time with children" in regards to being released for "'sexual misconduct". 

This man is an explioter for profit and personal gratification, he must be stopped. Link provided below. 

Thank you


Childrens Protection Advocates

Phenom Penh,
Daniel Macylmore reached out with a bribe to remove the fake story and more evidence on child abuse

#13Author of original report

Sat, August 18, 2018

Daniel, knowingly hosting a fake story, causing fraud, extortion and the publication of classified records in order to commit cyber crimes for proffit. 

We have also refused to Daniel the identity of the whistleblowers regarding his child molestation allegations, sighting he refused (if not himself) to release the user of his site commiting all these crimes. 

Therefore we are gridlocked with this known criminal. I just want to make clear it is the advertisers of this website, who condone child crimes, cyber crimes and worst of all support and completely fake news operation pretending to be based in Cambodia. 

This is all a scam, registering probably gets you in trouble on this site. Daniel Macylmore uses the alias "Mackevili" to commit cyber crimes to luring children in his private room, as their teacher. This is the name "scam" "criminal" "Child abuser", on every instance we listen to other victims of this man and his operation, all have exact continuity. 

So Danile, your blackmail did not work. Your real story will go out to the public as you spread fake news and traveling, teaching little boys how to remain silent during your "teaching" sessions. 

Report Attachments

Update from source

Phenom Penh,
He also threatened to post nude pics of mans wife

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, August 18, 2018

Daniel is an alleged child sex offender who was apparently on probation and barred from using the Internet at the time he made these threats using his criminal website CambodiaExpatsOnline.com, His alleged 2012 conviction stems from an incident involving a male child in Asia, according to court records. Anyone who advertises on this site is potentially financing child rape and other said ongoing crimes conducted or authorized by Macklemore.

victim of his fake site.

Daniel Macylmore in my opinion is a complete fraudulent criminal for real

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 01, 2018

I can first of all say, as a victim. This website, Daniel peronsally has emmased a whole lot more, many with a vendetta of assorted plans for Daniel. 


Well mine, which sounds like this story I wrote to a newspaper in hopes to investigate and publish,  get this guy and the scams known. He is a wannabe news indsutry personality. This is a fact, my theory he uses his site where sophisticated data minin meets third world country jusistiction, however not quite. 


Anyway I had spoken with many victims from those whom had photographs threatenedn Macylmore would published, he has been extorting and attempting to control situations in his personal life with fake story threats. 


I have been extorted, this has been reported. My civil attourneys did not write this, I would love to talk to a laywer that made calls on his behalf. Sherry Netherland in Virginia, she can comment on Daniel, his alledid crimes and the popular story he was released for innpapriopiote contact with his child students within indonesia. 

In my opinion he is criminal scym, I cannot see him wating to teach or help anyone but himself. I happen to subsribe to the idea he is a sick man. Here is the story on his students being assuilted. H e has gained a significant ammount of wioght. after. 


I will perosnally find the school and obtain the dismissal letter, expose and end this criminal Plus I want to show his sponsors of his criminal site (if any) they are financing sex crimes against his students. 


No reason to not go public, I have seen enough far beyond want we prints as ellegid. Many reports about his conduct. 


Las Vegas,
United States
Daniel Macylmore real name of internet criminal Daniel "Mackevili"

#16Author of original report

Sun, July 29, 2018

 Documents are being obtained regarding his dismissal teaching within Indonesia for "sexual misconduct" involving underage students. This is the real Daniel Macylmore.

Report Attachments

Important Update

Las Vegas,
United States
Daniel Maclymore is Daniel Mackivili (his alias)

#17Author of original report

Mon, July 23, 2018

Some other victims have come forward to reveal the following: Daniel Mackevili is an alias he uses for criminal activity, he conducts his crimes within however in the internet sphere yet currently lives in Saudi Arabia. The presence of a brick and mortar legitimate business is a front. He is American, from Georgia perhaps. I can help anyone in Asia and especially within the United States, first of all this man is facing a warrant for his arrest in the United States on a criminal basis and concurrently an outstanding amount of civil torts.

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