  • Report:  #2775

Complaint Review: BUCK COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY OFFICE - Doylestown Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- bensalm, pa.,

Bucks County Courthouse Doylestown, 18901 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Chief Deputy District Colin M.Jenei wrote the original document for 437 Elm Ave. were ok so there was no need to look any farther. Detectives Kemmerer and Tegge made it clear to us that the documents were FORGED!

The exact opposite of what what you wrote.

In a meeting with the mayor in his office, the mayor said well we made some mistakes. To my understanding a conspiracy to cover up fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, misconduct in office and briber is more than some mistakes.

Detectives told to us they would need a actor or actors, well with the confession from Vernon Towsend, that the documents were in fact not original and could not have been. I feel the need that the detectives need to talk to Frank Pacitti, Barry Kneedler, Mathew Takita, Robert Ludwig, and the mayor of Bensalem Township!

In Bucks County District Attorney Office its politics as usual in my opinion D.A Diane Gibbons need to look at what going on in her offices! So that thedetectives can do there job!

Peter Sauers would like hear from the D A. Diane Gibbons.

Please read THERE IS A NIGHTMARE ON ELM AVE ! Under Politicians. Us is the Consumers Education & Protective Assoc.

Colin M. Jenei

Chief Deputy District Attorney

Bucks County Courthouse

Doylestown,PA 18901


D A. Diane Gibbons

Bucks County Courthouse

Doylestown,PA 18901


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