  • Report:  #105622


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200 N COMAL SAN ANTONIO, 78207-3505 Texas, U.S.A.
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Officer Jannsen is threatning my son's life. He just arrived there Wednesday.My son is schizophrenic. He has some mental problems. Because he flooded a toilet - OFCR Jannsen had him moved to a room with no cameras and he and 4 other guards beat him. They choked him, busted stitches open in his face, they kicked him, took body shots at him, they rubbed his face where he had stitches in the toilet water, they took their club and mashed it against his stitches to make them bleed. All while he was hand cuffed.

Since then - Officer Jannsen (what a man) has told him he was going to kill him before he would ever leave. 4 guards beating a mentally ill 23 boy. Bexar County Jail must be so proud to employee such brave people. Why would 4 people do that to anyone over some water on the floor? Are our tax dollars being spent to employee idiots? Masochists? Is this how they get their tiny little rocks off? Was it necessary for all 4 of them to beat him at the same time?

Why is this allowed? Why are we taxpayers providing a cell to beat inmates in that doesnt have cameras in it? Why is there any cell without cameras in it? Is this a special party room that has been provided - courtesy of the people in charge at the jail? Officer Jannesen is a coward. He is a gutless low life that has to threaten mentally ill, already hurt people. You have to be the lowest scum of the earth to be so cruel.

I realize this isnt Disneyland. But it isnt Alcatraz either. My son has not been charged as guilty with anything. How dare this piece of trash decide that my boy needs to be punished - and at his hands. WHo does he think he is? WHy is he deciding guilt? He's just a guard. That's ALL. Sounds to me like this Jannsen thinks he's GOD. A lawyer want to be. A judge want to be. Why is he working there when he obviously shouldnt be around other human beings.He obviously has no business working as a guard at the jail.



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#2Consumer Comment

Tue, June 05, 2007

The problem here is that there is always more than one side to every story. The other problem is the lack of camera evidence. Believe me, I work as a Correctional Officer, I can understand your concern, shock and dismay with the attitudes and alleged acts of some officers, but if you were not present, how do you know how the damage your son recieved was inflicted? No camera evidence can support it and what you have is the reports of the officers. Is it absolutely out the question that what happened was legitimate and not some random act of violence? I have seen inmates rip out stitches and rub feces into the wounds. I've seen them try to hang themselves, seen them cut themselves with spoons, drink urine and cower in fear thinking my flashlight was going to take their souls. Had I not witnessed mentally ill inmates do things like this on their own accord, I might not believe it if someone told me, either. I urge you to find the truth. I hope for the sake of my profession that you are wrong, but if you aren't I hope for the sake of my profession that those responsible pay for what they have done. Prison is punishment and we officers aren't meant to disperse our own. And you are right, taxpayers need to be aware of what really goes on in prison and make sure cameras are everywhere! For the safety of officers AND inmates alike!

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