  • Report:  #79311

Complaint Review: Apple Computer Inc. - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Closter, New Jersey,

Apple Computer Inc.
1 Infinite Loop, Coopertino CA, 95014 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have helped my 18 year old daughter to purchase a 15 G4 PowerBook Combo Drive (part of the educational program) @ a cost of $1, 799 as she was entering her first year in college.

Following a three month of usage in the college dorm my daughter laptop requires an additional investment of $1,300 to repair & accidental damage, mainly a new screen classified as tier grade 2.

As most electronic devices extended warranty programs sold today in the US do covers accidental damage I was surprised to find out that Apple Care does not. One example for such program is Dell's CompleteCare Accidental Damage Protection. It does repair @ no additional cost damage on broken LCD due to a drop or fall, and accidental breakage (multiple pieces) is either repaired or unit replaced @ no additional cost as well.

As our quoted repair cost of $1,300 runs at a ratio of 72% from the purchase price, I question Apple on its extremely excessive repair pricing policies.

A computer laptop service repair run @ approximately $150- $699. $1,300 is double the max range and a total ripoff.


Closter, New Jersey

9 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 08, 2006

Screens are the most expensive part of any machine. And Dell's warranty on accidental parts is sold seperately. Just like Apple's is. Seperate from an extended warrenty.


Macs and PC's

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, May 08, 2006

Well now you can run Windows on a Mac machine, so you don't need to get a PC. Yes it will cost for everything you do because Apple does use the best equipment. You get what you pay for in this country and if you want a better machine then you have to be ready to maintain that machine. Besides, a well informed computer person knows that Apple was the original...Windows is a less perfect copy. I had a Compaq and when I went to upgrade to Windows XP Professional it wouldn't boot up or anything. I had to spend 2 weeks witn no computer and internet access cause no one at Microsoft customer service knew how to help me...and its THEIR system!!! I have since switched to a Mac and it can do and open all my Windows files. I have had it for 2 years and not a single crash or break. I bought insurance because with anything electronic you should...plain and simple. If you brush off the insurance then dont expect things for free, as with any other item you buy.

Lorraine - Geek Consumer Advocate :-)

Get a Windows computer

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

I agree with Darren. Mac has the school market tied up and wants everyone to think that is because they are best. They give those computers to the schools for FREE and make their money on repairs and software that costs a lot more than programs for windows computers cost. They also make a lot from customers such as yourself that are under the mistaken impression that they are a better computer because the schools "chose" them over Windows, which isn't the truth. As you can see by my byline after my name, I'm a geek. I also enjoy games, so I want to have top of the line hardware all the time that the new ones require. If I had a Mac, I would go broke, assuming I could even find the games in Mac format. Not all programs work on Macs, they are only coded for windows. With Windows I can easily upgrade part by part as I can afford it and you just can't do that on a Mac. You HAVE to buy them complete. At one time I thought it would be nice to have a Mac, but when I went to inquire about what I needed to buy to build one, I found out I couldn't. I have no interest in paying out that much money when I can pay half or less and have a computer running windows that will run so, so many more programs. In a case such as yours, should something happen, it's much cheaper to fix too, if the better insurance coverage for Windows computers doesn't cover it. Graphics programs these days for Windows are comparable to the Mac also. Paint Shop Pro and Photo Shop are both excellent programs and I've never had anyone be able to tell my graphics are done on my WinXP computer instead of a Mac. All I get is compliments on my work. I'd advise you to shop around and find your daughter a nice Windows laptop if that is what she requires. They are more expensive than a desktop and you can't work on them yourself really, but you will still save a bundle in the long run. You can buy a new Windows laptop for probably less than what the repair of the Mac will cost you.


West Hollywood,
What the Apple Computer employee says is pure bunk...

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2005

I have both an Apple Computer and an AMD chip computer that works with Windows 2000. Never had any problems with my AMD computer. In fact, I have never had to outlay any more money than the original $500.00 to build it. Everything works fine! And I have had it since 2003. My Apple, I have had for a year. I have had to purchase a keyboard (as its an iBook) which cost $30.00. Extra RAM so it would run some of the programs I work with at $110.00. I had to buy a mouse $49.00. Not to mention the outlay of money for Mac versions of programs like Office. Of course, the MAC versions are more expensive than the windows versions of the same programs. Yes, MAC really stands for Money pit At a great Cost. The employee was merely trying to justify a highly exaggerated cost which is ridiculous. He or she obviously does not know beans about windows machines. And yes, Macs get viruses too... so there you go!


Yes. Get a Windows machine

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, September 09, 2004

Itzhak, I agree, go out and get yourself a nice Windows machine for less than $1,000 retail. The only good a Mac is for in college is if your daughter was getting into graphic arts or something like that. Apple has a reputation for education, but don't let that fool you. What Apple did was to give away the computers to schools and then made their money off of software licenses and service agreements. You are also paying more because it is a closed system... versus an open system of the PC. The PC has many components and peripherials that are available from 3 source vendors that the Apple doesn't have. Thus, you can shop based on price and features between brands. As far as spending $100's to "rebuild" machines due to viruses and adware, there are some excellent free programs out there that are available. The best for spyware is AD-Ware from www.lavasoft.com. It can be downloaded and is updated frequently. No money required. I have heard all the arguments of PC vs Mac. That one I haven't heard. Also, if you talk relative differences with a Mac person they are very loyal to their computers... which is fine. As a student I use both at my college... the labs have both and I use them interchangably... depending on what is available. Me, I would rather get a Windows machine and use the extra money for other things.


Powerbook screens

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 08, 2004

The screens in a powerbook are far better and more expensive to make than those in a Dell or whatever. Apple is not going to give yo a replacement because you are clumsy or careless. Didn't you READ the warranty and understand it? Apple only has a modest number of replacements available. You should go get a PC and spend a few hundred bucks every few months to get them rebuilt because of viruses and adware.


Powerbook screens

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 08, 2004

The screens in a powerbook are far better and more expensive to make than those in a Dell or whatever. Apple is not going to give yo a replacement because you are clumsy or careless. Didn't you READ the warranty and understand it? Apple only has a modest number of replacements available. You should go get a PC and spend a few hundred bucks every few months to get them rebuilt because of viruses and adware.


Powerbook screens

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 08, 2004

The screens in a powerbook are far better and more expensive to make than those in a Dell or whatever. Apple is not going to give yo a replacement because you are clumsy or careless. Didn't you READ the warranty and understand it? Apple only has a modest number of replacements available. You should go get a PC and spend a few hundred bucks every few months to get them rebuilt because of viruses and adware.


Powerbook screens

#10UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 08, 2004

The screens in a powerbook are far better and more expensive to make than those in a Dell or whatever. Apple is not going to give yo a replacement because you are clumsy or careless. Didn't you READ the warranty and understand it? Apple only has a modest number of replacements available. You should go get a PC and spend a few hundred bucks every few months to get them rebuilt because of viruses and adware.

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