  • Report:  #52073

Complaint Review: Alyon Technologies - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- hollywood, California,

Alyon Technologies
Norcross Norcross, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
06March2003 --- CLICK ON THE BLUE link below to see the Video

Alyon Technologies,Inc., USCI, Inc., and Telecom, the company billing all us victims are at the same address. The SEC in a letter to me said Alyon Technologies was a private company held by Tina Whitfield located at 5555 Triangle Parkway, Waterford Ctr., Ga. 30092. How could that be if Tina Whitfield is the controller of USCI? AKA Alyon .. Because you are doing one business under more than one Business name!


Alyon is trying to seperate themselves from the billing company. More deception...

As a victim / turned consumer advocate I contacted Alyon Technologies, Inc. numerous times and they blamed me for the charges. Never once did they say they were not the company that did this.

A spokesperson for Alyon Technologies said the only way this software would download was if someone here hit the ACCEPT button. Not true! In fact they are outright (censored). Detective Dave Cheek had it happen to him during an interview with Jim Strickland of WSBTV Atlanta, Georgia. This is on the video that can be accessed by clicking on the link below this paragraph.

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Watch Jim Strickland's Full Report-Pt. 1

WSB TV News Report. This is Part 1 wsbtv Atlanta Jim Strickland, Consumer Investigator Action News Channel 2 News Atlanta Georgia.. Alyon got caught on tape at Gwinnett County Police Department in Georgia, where the cameras were rolling and Alyon automatically took over Detective David Cheek's computer, ..anyone surprised?

Watch Jim Strickland's Full Report-Pt. 2

Part 2 of the Alyon investigation, more evidence, Jim Strickland, wsbtv channel 2 Atlanta Georgia, Consumer Investigator, also features Rip-off Report.com

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John Smith

During one of my many calls to Alyon, they also said ..it was okay for my child to look at Pornography until it cost me money. I never said anything to them about any children.


Alyon is now claiming it is not their fault that; some other company is doing it. Excuse me what other company? Could Alyon Technologies, Inc. be trying to tell me that their Left hand doesn't know what their Right hand is doing?

Alyon Technologies, USCI, Inc. and Telecom are at the same address with the same officers/owners, sleeping with one another. That just does not fly Alyon Technologies!

The SEC in a letter to me said Alyon Technologies was a private company held by Tina Whitfield located at 5555 Triangle Parkway, Waterford Ctr., Ga. 30092. How could that be if Tina Whitfield is the controller of USCI? Because you are doing one business under more than one Business name!

In each conversation with Alyon Technologies I asked what could do this'? They said someone in my home prompted their software to download. Then they went on to say I had to have been aware that their (emphasizing they said THEIR software, not someone else's) software was going to install. Who or what are they talking about? I did not know that the software was downloading. I did not know it would put Dialerware into my computer changing Critical Microsoft settings.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. in my opinion, you knew when you started this (censored) what you were doing. You are the people that sent the bill. You are one in the same company, and passing off the blame to the billing company WILL NOT WORK!

You just did not expect this kind of a result, did you?. I hope Law Enforcement gets you-ALL and puts your butts in a Federal Prison to make License Plates and keep you away from computers for life.


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Photo of One Harmon Plaza Building, Alyon WAR Room.

READ UPDATE!! Submitted: 3/6/2003 6:52:42 PM:Alyon TV News Report. Click to view actual video below!, Part 1 & 2 wsbtv Atlanta catches Alyon in the act, Alyon caught on tape at Georgia police station, where Alyon automatically takes over a Detectives computer in ! Click on to video link. Update 3-6-03 below.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. is located on the Second floor of the Building owned by Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc.(Switchboard telephone number 201-348-1200; Hartz Mountain Industries, former sellers of Birdseed now Huge New Jersey and New York Real Estate Developer declined to give me the actual Suite number, saying I could find it on the Directory on the First Floor.). But TV station employee pointed the building out for me.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. has been attacking citizens across America committing Acts of Cyber-Terrorism, just when our government is trying to fight the War on Terror. The President of the United States now has the Department of Home Land Security which has the full power of the Law to use against Terrorism.

EDitor of Rip-off Report stated that there are over 3,000 e-mailed complaints that have come into Rip-off Report since November of 2002 about Alyon Technologies, Inc.

On Rip-offReport alone, there are over 625 complaints against Alyon Technologies, Inc. at

the time of this posting.

One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, New Jersey

Harmon Cove Development part of Hartz Mountain Properties

Alyon Technologies is doing the work of EVIL-DOERS on the 2nd floor of One Harmon Plaza


One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, NJ. 2nd Floor, Alyon Technologies, Inc. is HIDING in a TELESCANDAL Suite.

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Map to One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, NJ, just incase anyone wanted to pay their bill in person. 

Alyon Technologies,3100 Medlock Bridge Rd, suite 1400, Norcross Georgia ,U.S.A.

MAIN OFFICE. Alyon Technologies.Ms. Stephane Touboul, Chief Executive Officer ,J. Caro, Alyon Customer Support Specialist,Maria McAllister, Support,One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, NJ 07094 USA, Phone: 201-865-7600, Fax. 201-865-0175, Email: s****.>

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Another Victim

New York,
Alyon Technologies Rip-off International Axis of Cyber-Terrorists, Predators, Hackers, COPA Violators, Porno Pushers, Dis-Organized Criminals attacking Innocent Americans from a secure Tele-scam Bunker Complex

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2003

Ripoffreport Report Image
Photo of One Harmon Plaza Building, Alyon WAR Room.

READ UPDATE!! Submitted: 3/6/2003 6:52:42 PM:Alyon TV News Report. Click to view actual video below!, Part 1 & 2 wsbtv Atlanta catches Alyon in the act, Alyon caught on tape at Georgia police station, where Alyon automatically takes over a Detectives computer in ! Click on to video link. Update 3-6-03 below.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. is located on the Second floor of the Building owned by Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc.(Switchboard telephone number 201-348-1200; Hartz Mountain Industries, former sellers of Birdseed now Huge New Jersey and New York Real Estate Developer declined to give me the actual Suite number, saying I could find it on the Directory on the First Floor.). But TV station employee pointed the building out for me.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. has been attacking citizens across America committing Acts of Cyber-Terrorism, just when our government is trying to fight the War on Terror. The President of the United States now has the Department of Home Land Security which has the full power of the Law to use against Terrorism.

EDitor of Rip-off Report stated that there are over 3,000 e-mailed complaints that have come into Rip-off Report since November of 2002 about Alyon Technologies, Inc.
On Rip-offReport alone, there are over 625 complaints against Alyon Technologies, Inc. at
the time of this posting.

One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, New Jersey
Harmon Cove Development part of Hartz Mountain Properties
Alyon Technologies is doing the work of EVIL-DOERS on the 2nd floor of One Harmon Plaza

One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, NJ. 2nd Floor, Alyon Technologies, Inc. is HIDING in a TELESCANDAL Suite.

Ripoffreport Report Image
Map to One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, NJ, just incase anyone wanted to pay their bill in person. 

Alyon Technologies,3100 Medlock Bridge Rd, suite 1400, Norcross Georgia ,U.S.A.

MAIN OFFICE. Alyon Technologies.Ms. Stephane Touboul, Chief Executive Officer ,J. Caro, Alyon Customer Support Specialist,Maria McAllister, Support,One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, NJ 07094 USA, Phone: 201-865-7600, Fax. 201-865-0175, Email: s****.> Telecom Billing Systems Inc.1 Harmon Plaza SECAUCUS, NJ 07094201-865-7600 (same number as Alyon Technologies, Inc.)

USCI, Inc.Tina Whitfield (shame on you)Joe Doherty (same address as Alyon in Norcross, GA)

Alyon Technologies, Inc. is hiding its Business in a Big Building in Secaucus, NJ under the corresponding company Telecom Billing Systems, Inc. The United States has Bunker Busters now, so you can not hide.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. has sent bills to people who are deceased.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. sent a bill to a BLIND child.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. billed a Christian church.

Alyon Technologies billed phone numbers with people's names that didn't correspond to that number.

Alyon Technologies puts all the responsibility on which the PHONE NUMBER is assigned to.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. has violated COPA (Children's Online Protection Act) by allowing ANYONE to prompt their download with an ACCEPT button.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. has DENIED all allegations presented to them by WWORtv UPN 9 Investigative Reporter of Secaucus, NJ, aired February 26, 2003.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. DENIES their Dialerware download is Malicious Software in spite of the fact it changes CRITICAL Microsoft settings without the computer owner's approval.

Alyon Technologies, Inc. includes in its FIRST BILL sent by U.S. Postal mail this statement: "Payment in full must be received by the


Hot Springs,
You can't download on webtv! liars

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, May 17, 2003

Alyon is clamming that I down loaded their
software on line. This is a bunch of bull you can't download on webtv it's imposable.their
is no hard drive to store any thing on. let them
prove it to me other wise. This how low people
will stoope to make a fast doller in this day of time. I plan to send a copy of my bill to the attorney genarals office to proced in a law suite aginst alyon in this mater.

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