  • Report:  #66438

Complaint Review: Ab Energizer - Bell California

Reported By:
- petersburg, Indiana,

Ab Energizer
Bell, 90201 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We order the product. Received the product. We never used the product because after reading health reports concerning high blood pressure, physician said it was not recommended. Wished to return product. Called customer service number to discuss, and number has been disconnected. No way of knowing if returned product will get there.


petersburg, Indiana

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Let's see, where do we begin?

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 06, 2003

The Owner/Manager of the product you purchased is: Mr. Ali Afshari. He is also your customer service rep. This person has a really bad reputation for the onlineBBB to put him down. If you wanted to review that report for yourself access: www.sandiego.bbb.org. They have their own search engine. Just enter Ab Energizer, that's the way they spell it. This product is just a side business for him, he is primarily known for dealings in electronics. I have some contact information for you to try, but do not know if this info is any good. Here are addresses: Abflex USA, Inc. 7975 Raytheon Road, Suite 350 San Diego, CA, 92111 Ab Energizer Refunds 7420 Clairemont Mesa blvd. #103-532 San Diego, CA, 92111 I am unaware of your payment method, if he knows your checking account or debit card number, you might want to change it. Government Actions: On May 7, 2002 the Federal Trade Commission filed an action in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. The case number is 0223111, Civil Action number 02CV888H(AJB). It is alleged that Electronic Products Distribution LLC, and its general partners, Thomas Nelson have violated Section 5(a) which prohibits dissemination of any false adverisement in or affecting commerce for the purpose of inducing, or which is likely to induce, the purchase of food, drugs, services or cosmetics. This goes on, but I don't think you want the whole text, and the webmaster would hate me, if he doesn't already, but I just wanted you to know. Hope this helps, and really hope for humanitarian reasons you will access www.ftc.gov and fill out their online complaint form. They will need this information, because the court matter is still pending. Besides there might be others out there in a worse situation, ripped off by him. The site is for the Federal Trade Commission. Hope this helps. Consumer Advocate Volunteer

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