  • Report:  #1426097

Complaint Review: Zinq Media - Shawn Michael - Very incompetent - Nationwide

Reported By:
Farsi - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Zinq Media - Shawn Michael - Very incompetent
1001 NE Amsterdam Nationwide, Netherlands
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

We have been randomly contacted by a rep whose name is Shawn Michael at ZinQ media. He promised us the world in terms of the amount of marketing and traffic they could drive to our site. We have spent nearly 3 full days working on all the things they have needed, and now Shawn Michael immediately blocks contact with us and disappears. He is very arrogant, and describing him as lazy and complacent is only an understatement.

We won't stop fighting till our cause is fulfilled. Shawn Michael needs to be fired immediately from this company, and shouldn't be hired by any other if they care about their reputation.

Overall extremely unworthy attitude and business practices. One of THE worst marketing companies we have come across.

Their Amsterdam Headquarters :

Postbus 15748

1001 NE Amsterdam

+31 205306666

[email protected]

(Note: The phone number almost always goes to an answering machine).

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