  • Report:  #1521723

Complaint Review: WorldPay - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
Marcus - JACKSONVILLE, United States

601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, 32204 Florida, United States
(513) 900-3733
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

WorldPay is a monstrous, antitrust violating, monopoly cartel of credit card merchant services, aka FISERV, FIS GLOBAL, Vantiv, AccessMyIQ.com, SwipeSimple, LawPay, Persolvent, in order for them to evade responsibility for their criminal behavior which is almost a daily occurrence (they have a bunch of close-knit dickhead communist freemason/jewish types in their underwriter/risk department, who make a list and go after their small business or individual enemies) by arbitrarily blocking credit cards, debit cards, spontaneously holding on to client paid credit card money for weeks for no reason not allowing it to flow into the customer’s bank account, blocking people out of their online account monitoring apps such as accessmyiq.com or swipesimple.com, and otherwise forcing that targeted/affected individual to file complaints out of desperation with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or the New York State Department of Financial Services, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (“FDIC”), or the Federal Reserve, or the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Florida Attorney General (these bastards apparently have a main location in Jacksonville Florida), the Federal Trade Commission, the Better Business Bureau, and any other agency that takes complaints about shitty dishonest criminally fraudulent credit card merchant service companies.

Unfortunately, filing those complaints out of necessity negatively affects your relationship with your bank, who probably has nothing to do with all of this harassment, but causes a rift and problem with your bank.

Ultimately the behavior of World Pay destroys your relationship with your bank, who winds up closing/dumping your account for no reason, and sometimes stealing tens of thousands of dollars that was in your account in order to “protect themselves against any risky charge backs” when they close your ability to see if anybody did that, to begin with.

Unfortunately the criminal and antitrust divisions of the United States Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Florida Attorney General will not do a damned thing to help you, because no doubt their leadership are taking tens of millions of dollars from World Pay in “lobbying” or “election campaign donations,” (aka “bribes”) thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court case, FEC v Citizens United, which allows billion dollar banks and corporations (like casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, International Financier George Soros, Energy Conglomerate Koch Brothers, or Hedge Fund kings Paul Singer, Robert Mercer, and Steve Cohen) to buy off all of our w***e politicians, legislators, presidents, and judges with cold hard cash, thus drowning out the hundreds of millions of American citizens and small businesses which can’t compete with this kind of corrupt bribe money.

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