  • Report:  #1513781

Complaint Review: wigfavorite - Carson ca

Reported By:
NITA - NEW YORK, United States

1515 Glen curtiss st Carson, 90476 ca, United States
+86 16533086715
www.wigfavorite.com, https://www.omghairs.com
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I ordered from website which portrayed itself to be an American wig selling website, due to my wedding date, I was glad to pay $15.00 expided fee, for 2 days ship. They do not honor their refund policies.

but after 5 days I did not receive any package, after contacting them with a worried complaint about the timing wedding time, and paid FedEx expedited ship, they refunded my expedited ship fee.  28 days later I received a  horrible red Halloween costume wig I did not order. 

wigfavorite.com refund policy appeared solid, they guarantee quick 100% refund. I requested refund, but they offered me 10% but only if I "ship the package to china, not to their return US  address on received package, note we only accept returns to  china, postage cost is 5-20  times the purchase, upon receipt in China, we will release $8.50 to you,  good luck returning your wig."  thank you friend.

I realized I was scammed.

Why does our government allow us and other countries to be scammed by China,  they ought to have a public Alert.  I had no idea of news of China wig scamming industry, according to google  hundreds of people,  numerous complains US & UK world wide has been victims.

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