  • Report:  #1524431

Complaint Review: Roby Bowman Phoenix Asset Group - Chanhassen MN

Reported By:
Usr429648 - Amherst, United States

Roby Bowman Phoenix Asset Group
Chanhassen, MN, United States
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Our group bought a few debt portfolios from Ms. Robyn Bowman in the past. After a lengthly investigation with multiple trusted industry partners, we have proof she engages in systematic fraud from the initial purchase through collections operations. She is currently under investigation by Federal regulators for many charges including inability to convey clean title or bills of sale, packing random investors into files with no compliance or investor controls in place, loans to family members from co-mingled business funds, under and mis-reporting collections, outright theft of collections and debt files from investors and defaulting on lenders to name a few.  RUN DON'T WALK if contacted by a Robyn Bowman at Phoenix Asset Group or a Chris Winkler they have tried to operate under a new company named Longhorn Debt Recovery, beware!

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