  • Report:  #1523124

Complaint Review: Richmond County Ambulance Services - New York New York

Reported By:
Anonimous - New York, New York, United States

Richmond County Ambulance Services
1355 Castleton Ave New York, 10310 New York, United States
(718) 273-3555
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Betty (the operator who picks up the phone from RCA) is the greatest rudest and most aggressive crazy front desk person on earth.

Just a phone call for a 2 minutes schedule confirmation away and start to argue and accuse of harassment when I have an authority witness over the speaker phone listening, then calling the nursing home complaining......How crazy she is!!!!

Then, the call was transferred to Bobby and he take the call and hang up on me. WE are paying them for this kind of treatment???

I am no longer contacting them anymore for this type of wrong service as it is considered a BIG HIGH Risk they do have bad drivers who lack compassion for the elderly and vulnerable people with disabilities and they won't care and won't follow security and safety when they pick them up!

Just to confirm an appointment, then they call the Nursing Home I'm harassing them? What kind of people they are? How crazy are they?

For example, the driver Leslie hit a pedestrian with her RCA Ambulette van and hit several cars after that. She only got suspended but came back again to work as a driver, and nothing changed for her.

She still drives carefully and picks up patients in a dangerous spot.

People: consider another other option for your loved one and don't rely on these people because they can have an accident easily with one of the crazy drivers that work here!

Also waiting for them takes forever while charging expenses to Medicare/Medicaid.

Have in mind 311 EMS Complaint:


Also complaint to:

NY State Disabilities of Rights: forms.ny.gov/s3/nysdhrco…

Disability Rights New York    


Online Intake: https://www.drny.org/intake.php

Contact: (518) 432-7861 or (800) 993-8982 or e-mail at [email protected].

I'm considering taking a taxi Acces A Ride (it is cheaper) from now on to avoid this type of horrible service!

They lose a paycheck on their end!

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