  • Report:  #1508385

Complaint Review: The Real Real Consignment - Newport Beach California

Reported By:
Nazila - San Clemente , Ca, United States

The Real Real Consignment
3439 via Oporto Newport Beach, 92663 California, United States
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Do not go there. They tell u if u want cash option u will get a check in 2 weeks. 6 weeks today and still no check.  Customer service is the worse via their customer service line. I gave them 3 purses after they authenticated and took my purses but then 3 weeks later received an email that only one is authenticated and the other two not so they will ship it back. 

I still have not received my other purses. I dropped them off April 15 and today is May 26 and no check and no purses. God knows if they changed my purses and May get a fake one instead. 

Do not go. They r corporation now and have lost their swag. Go to On Que in corona Del Mar. Absolutely the best. And if u want them to buy ur purse in cash and no consignment they write a check right there. No one takes ur purses away from u.

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