  • Report:  #1507392

Complaint Review: NutriMax Cookware -

Reported By:
Chelsey - California , United States

NutriMax Cookware
United States
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I'm not too sure right now how the situation happened , if they called my grandma or she saw an ad on tv,  but my mom received a call from her saying she WON some million dollar pots , but she had to pay $200 dollars for shipping, she later then called me at 8:30pm saying they called her and said they were going to close soon and that they still hadn't received a call from my mom with the payment and that she was going to lose her PRIZE.

My mom knew this didn't sound good and wasn't going to call them back ,but my grandma kept calling and was yelling at us and I looked up the number , my grandma's friend sent that this company called from and saw a report that they like to scam the elderly, my grandmas is very gullible , and if their from Australia supposedly (like on their non existence website) - why are they open AT 1AM ALMOST 2AM.

If my grandma had her own credit card , she would've had my grandfather's money taken too! Protect the elderly, who are very easy to lie to please! , I love my grandma but she doesn't think sometimes unfortunately. :( 

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