I made the mistake of leaving my clients information, inside a job request. I was looking to hire Nick from a job board.
He violated the job boards policy and went and contacted my client. My client came back to me and I ended up losing a client of 10 years because of this greedy guy... so we both ended up not getting the job.
Nick uses very unethical practicses and from what I've read, he is scamming others as well, and using SCROLL NEXT to spam from there and gmail. Not delivering the product for websites he commissions or just using shady techniques throughout the designs.
Here is information on this guy:
https://www.outsourcely.com/profile/341770 https://rocketreach.co/nick-arora-email_102158656 https://www.freelancer.co.uk/contest/SEO-optimizations-for-my-website-191628-byentry-5374252?w=f&ngsw-bypass= https://cleantalk.org/blacklists/[email protected] [email protected] reported as spam
Here are some of his clients
http://successmadetolast.com/contact/ https://www.soldbyshanehuey.com/employees/4629-nick-arora
https://reoca.org/members/nickarora/profile/ Here is his portfolio
Here is the link for his portfolio: https://scrollnext.com/portfolio-web/
Here is his details for
Skype: nicksanman @ gmail ===================================================== At some point, we have to be responsible for what we do and how we act Nick. You do all these unethical things on the internet and you think there are no victims because it never comes back to you. Eventually all these illegal activities are going to come back to you Nick. I am going to make sure at least, that there is a record of what you are doing.