  • Report:  #1526788

Complaint Review: Monster Scooter Parts - Colorado Springs CO

Reported By:
Justin - Chandler, AZ, United States

Monster Scooter Parts
5045 Galley Rd Colorado Springs, 80915 CO, United States
(800) 798-0325
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Report Attachments

I am lodging a formal complaint against Monster Scooter Parts, operating under Alvey International, LLC, for engaging in deceptive trade practices and misrepresentation. It is crucial to expose their unethical behavior and warn other consumers about their misleading practices.

Monster Scooter Parts continues to operate under an expired tradename, "Monster Scooter Parts," in the state of Colorado. Additionally, they resell products manufactured by AlveyTech without providing essential information to consumers. They sell reusable cotton media filters that require pre-oiling before use, but deliberately fail to disclose this requirement or provide clear instructions. This intentional omission is designed to mislead customers into making uninformed decisions.

I recently purchased six air filters from Monster Scooter Parts for my go-karts. Shockingly, after a mere 2-4 hours of use, these filters exhibited significant evidence of dust inhalation on the inside of the filter, velocity stack, and carburetor. Seeking assistance from Monster Scooter Parts proved futile, as they dismissed their responsibility, claiming to be "simply parts dealers" without the resources to offer installation guidance. Furthermore, they denied ever marketing the product as requiring pre-oiling or being reusable.

Alvey International, LLC, the parent company, misrepresents itself by denying its role as the manufacturer, despite being the actual manufacturer of the filters. This misrepresentation, coupled with their lack of accurate marketing, labeling, and product descriptions on their website, absolves them of any accountability for the damage caused by their filters. By deliberately withholding the requirement for pre-oiling and neglecting to provide proper installation instructions, they engage in deceptive practices that harm unsuspecting consumers.

It is imperative to bring attention to the fact that Monster Scooter Parts has garnered an abysmal reputation with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), where they hold an "F" rating. Numerous customers have shared their negative experiences, with an average rating of 1.22 out of 5 and 25 complaints closed within the past 3 years. This should serve as a warning to potential buyers who may fall victim to their deceptive tactics.

I encourage all consumers who have experienced similar issues with Monster Scooter Parts to report their grievances, as it is through collective action that we can hold companies accountable for their deceptive trade practices. Let us unite to protect our rights and prevent others from falling victim to this unscrupulous business.

Together, we can expose the truth and demand fairness, transparency, and ethical practices in the marketplace.

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