  • Report:  #1531429

Complaint Review: Liberty Home Guard - brooklyn ny

Reported By:
Sandra - WINNSBORO, South Carolina - SC, United States

Liberty Home Guard
4101a Avenue U brooklyn, 11234 ny, United States
929-242-0556 or 866-225-7
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Until a day ago I had a home warranty with Liberty Home Guard and payments to them were deducted from my checking account. For the first time on Feb 7 of this year I filed a claim with them. The cold water pipe in my kitchen began to leak. Days went by until I finally received a response from this company. They accepted my claim and assured me they would have someone come out and repair or replace the pipe. More time went by. I was contacted again by them telling me they had a technician coming to my house asap. I called the technician and he told me first of all, he doesn't service my area and he doesn't work with warranty companies. I let Liberty know. Liberty once again emailed me a day or so later telling me they had someone else coming to my house asap. I called this company and was told that they do not work with home warranty companies. Also, neither company was ever contacted by Liberty. Liberty lied both times. I called them out on this.

Finally Liberty contacted me again letting me know that a 'technician' was coming to my house to do the job.

This person did show up and attempted to stop the leaking pipe. She was at my house for hours. The leak stopped until the next morning when I heard an explosion. The pipe had burst and my kitchen floor was like a lake. Water everywhere gushing out of the broken pipe. I immediately contacted the 'technician' and she said she would be at my house within the hour and she was bringing someone with her. In the meanwhile I am panicking and swept the water out of my kitchen after shutting off the main water valve outside.

So two people were at my house for hours repairing the leaking pipe. One was working on the pipe while the other one went to the hardware store for parts. The repair held until the next morning and this time instead of a deluge, it was a fast drip from the same pipe. I attempted several times to contact either 'technician' but no one responded. I then contacted Liberty and told them what had happened.

Oh and, a big hole was cut into the drywall for what I have no idea. The patch looks awful. I can't tell you how disappointed I am with this entire situation. I've had to shut off the main water line any time I need to take a shower, run the dishwasher and do laundry. Yesterday it was pouring rain and I had to go outside to turn the water on and off. This has been going on since Feb 7. To say I am fed up is an understatement.

I don't know if there will be mold growing in my kitchen from all the water that gushed out. I know that there is water damage under the linoleum in two different areas. Liberty will have to compensate me for this as well.

The next day I was contacted by both 'technicians' and all I received was an apology. Neither person said they were coming back to repair the pipe and neither one returned. I called Liberty and a representative told me if I wanted the 'technician' to return to my house I would have to pay her $290. Why? I paid monthly to have this warranty and paid $125 for the claim. Why would I even consider paying an extra $290?

Liberty sent me an email telling me I need to give them an invoice for the work the 'technician' did. There is no invoice. Nothing but a leaking pipe. It's clear that Liberty sent an incompetent person to my house to do a job that couldn't be done by this person. It's clear that the second person who was here is ALSO incompetent and failed to do the repair. The second person doesn't work for home warranty companies and she is the one who did most of the work. This person even has a website advertising as some kind of handy person. Her website is: https://www.stclemshomerepairs.com/ and her company was launched in January of this year. She sent me an email only apologizing for what happened and said if I need anything else done to let her know. Wow what gall.

No matter who I spoke to at Libery and no matter how many emails I have sent, there hasn't been a resolution to this day. I asked them time and time again to please refund my money. They continually give me the run around. This company is considered to be one of the best there is but I disagree. Over many years I have used various home warranty companies and Liberty is the worst. For some reason I'm not able to give this company any stars but if I could I would give them minus zero stars.

Now I have to dig into my small savings and pay a local licensed plumber to repair the leaking pipe. If Liberty would reimburse me the money they owe me I could use to help pay the plumber. The REAL plumber.

I received an email from Liberty this morning. This is the email:

On Sat, Mar 2, 2024 at 12:51 AM Service Liberty Home Guard wrote:

"Hello Sandra,

We trust this email finds you well.

  I understand, but since you filled out the cancellation form, the claim has been put on hold. A manager should follow up with you in 1-2 business days.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing Liberty Home Guard, and have a wonderful day!"  All the best,Customer Service Department.

Yes I did cancel my contract with Liberty. They are useless to me and haven't done anything beneficial for me. I live on Social Security and cannot afford to pay a monthly fee to a company that hasn't done a damned thing for me. Buyer beware. This company probably like other home warranty companies have a limit on what they will pay to a technician to repair anything in your house. This is in the contract but you have to read it carefully.  

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


South Carolina,
United States
Addendum To My Report

#2Author of original report

Wed, March 20, 2024


The licensed plumber I hired locally repaired the leaking pipe and it's held up well so far. Yesterday I received a reimbursement check from Liberty Home Guard in the amount of $493.57 which is the amount I paid the plumbing company. However, Liberty failed to include the $125 I paid to them for opening my claim.

Because Liberty didn't do anything for me other than send an inexperienced person who failed to repair the leaking pipe, I want a refund. I have already explained how this 'technician' failed to repair the pipe and I have explained how my kitchen floor was flooded with water. I have a bad feeling that when the hot weather arrives, there will be mold in the kitchen even though I tried my best to mop it up. I'm sure it seeped under my cabinets and walls.

Liberty has been extremely difficult to deal with since Feb.7 when this all began. It didn't have to be this way but they dropped the ball and made everything stressful for me. Thank you so much for that.

Please send my refund.


South Carolina,
United States
Addendum To Report about Liberty Home Guard

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 04, 2024

This isn't a rebuttal but it is an add-on to my complaint.

This morning March 4,2024 I received a phone call from a man by the name of Eli Gold who is a supervisor in the Liberty Home Guard office in NYC. He gave me his contact information for future reference. We had a chat regarding the leaking pipe in my kitchen that has leaked since Feb. 7 and the fact that Liberty hasn't done anything to remedy the situation. I told Mr. Gold that the 'technician' Liberty sent to my house to do the pipe repair walked away from the job leaving me with a leaking pipe. I let Mr. Gold know that I am having a local licensed plumber come to my house on March 8 to repair the pipe and I have to pay out of pocket for this. If Liberty had sent a professional to repair the pipe I wouldn't have to dig into my small savings to pay a plumber but Liberty failed me. 

Mr. Gold told me to send him the invoice after the work was done and that he would send me a check up to $500 to cover the expenses. If he is a man of his word and actually does this for me, I will return to this report and post it.

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