  • Report:  #1529262

Complaint Review: La Paz Serice Center - ALISO VIEJO CA

Reported By:
Roger - Laguna Niguel, United States

La Paz Serice Center
27812 ALISO CREEK ROAD ALISO VIEJO, 92656 CA, United States
949 362 8955
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On Oct. 11 2023 when I started my 2001 Toyota Tundra it was running really rough like one of the sparkplug wires got pulled off accidently. So I got a recommendation from another source to take it to Lapaz Service Center on Aliso Creek Road in Aliso Viejo. They looked at the truck and told me that one of the coils for cylinder #5 was “Burned out”, and need to be replaced. The repair fee would come to $540. 24.

Not knowing what a cylinder coil was to begin with, if I wanted to continue to use my truck for work the next day, I had to authorize the repair. 


I paid the full fee of $540.24 that I authorized by a form I signed. Too bad I had not investigated “How to replace a coil on a 2001 Tundra truck” Youtube video, because I watched a mechanic replace that same coil (costing $27 from Amazon), on the same year make and model truck and he did it in 5 minutes using only a socket wrench. 

They charged me $325 LABOR to do this  5 minute operation along with removing the “Check Engine” light, (which I did earlier this year, with my hand held vehicle computer taking 5 minutes). They replaced the sparkplugs must have taken a half hour) which I never asked them to do. So I was charged $199 for a coil that cost $27 on Amazon, and $325 labor for a one hour (or less according to Youtube video)  job. Sure they fixed the problem just fine, but that's what you really call taking advantage of someone's lack of knowledge.

Bottom line I got “Hosed” royally! Was it my fault...yes, for not checking with other sources first, but come on

People, how do you sleep at night? The Universe will get you back, and I wouldn't wanna be you when it comes "Knock'in" to even the score.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


If you are so smart...

#2General Comment

Sun, October 22, 2023

If it was such an easy repair that would only take 5 minutes, why did you take it to a mechanic?  I fix my own cars.  Of course, I have the tools, knowledge, and experience to do it, which took years to acquire.  You obviously think you can learn to be a mechanic in 5 minutes.  And in most cases, any idiot can swap parts.  Being a mechanic involves a bit more than that.  At least half of that labor charge is the diagnostic work that led to the determination of which parts were defective and needed to be swapped out.

And on any car with a transverse mounted V engine, getting access to the spark plugs and coils is quite the job that involves removing half the stuff in the engine bay.  That is probably why they charged $325 for labor.  And if you are in there to replace coils, it would be stupid not to replace the plugs.  Especially on a 22-year-old vehicle, where they are almost certainly trashed.  Also, removing plugs on a vehicle that old involves a non-trivial risk of the cylinder head threads stripping out, which is an expensive repair.  That has to be factored into the price, as well.

Also, I would never use a $27 coil from Amazon, and I sure hope they didn't.  Knockoff parts from Aliexpress are not known for their reliability.  In fact, I would be surprised if that $27 coil lasted a month.  Again, you have absolutely no clue about any of this.  If you had actually tried this repair, you probably would have just caused more damage.  So maybe stop second-guessing professionals who know what they are doing.

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