  • Report:  #1505528

Complaint Review: Jerry Ann Crabtree - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
Jerry - Jacksonville, Florida, United States

Jerry Ann Crabtree
6756 Ramoth Drive Jacksonville, 32226 Florida, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I ordered Clearxhearing aids over six week ago, and as of today 2/26/20 haven't received them.

I have sent several email but, have only received one reply. In that email I was told there was a back up and I would be receiving a tracking number in a day. Finally got the tracking number but, went to check the status the tracking number it had been canceled.

I sent an email to support@cleaxhearingcom asking them to cancel my order #1435 and refund my credit card for $79.97, my email was returned as a HONE NOTICE. I then tried to call the support number but, no answer.

I then tried to go to their website only to find It's not there anymore. I found them on Facebook, checked them out and read all the reviews everything seem find.

I believe this might have been a SCAM


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