  • Report:  #1524901

Complaint Review: Eye4Fraud -

Reported By:
RippedOffVeteran - United States

United States
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Report Attachments

I received a notification that my information was leaked through a breach of Eye4Fraud's servers. 

As i checked into it I found that several things including passwords, email addresses, names, physical addresses, etc. were all leaked.  That is pretty poor showing for a company that is supposed to be selling itself as a source of fraud protection... when they can't even protect their own data.

And...to really top it off... I have never ever done business with nor signed up for any kind of account with that company.  So the fact that they had so much of my data would tend to indicate that they managed to get it through nefarious means.  I believe they themselves ARE the fraud, far from any protection from fraud they try to sell you.

Buyer beware!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, March 07, 2023

Is available at this site. Just type in 502469 and it appears in Consumer Comment #19 at Ripoff Report #502469.

Thank you for sharing your Ripoff Report with everyone. Feel free to email a copy of your Ripoff Report to your Attorney General immediately!

Good luck to you!

*****FRAUD ALERT: The two or three honest politicians who were elected to the U.S. Government are strongly urging all Americans to type in 472051 at this site and read Ripoff Report #472051 and all of the consumer comments for extremely important information!!!

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