  • Report:  #1531602

Complaint Review: DriverSupport.one - Auston Texas

Reported By:
Larry - Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

not given Auston, not given Texas, United States
not given
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Beware of this fraudulent online add " DriverSupport " do not buy this service, they are a fraudulent company, that will take your money and give you nothing, and when you request some customer service they have nothing, they will not get back to you, and just keep your money. they claim to be able to fix 99% of all driver issues or will refund your money, they do not do either, and I have supporting documents to submit. They have been doing this for years, Can't understand why they are still doing business on line, I hope someone puts them out of business, but I am warning everyone to avoid this fraudulent company.

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