  • Report:  #1514256

Complaint Review: AV Solutions Group - Las Vegas Nv

Reported By:
Ruth - Las Vegas , Nv , United States

AV Solutions Group
2130 park Centre Dr. Suite 140 Las Vegas, 89135 Nv, United States
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At first glance this is a very high end audio/video retail store.  The owner , Moe Rosenmeier , is the type of person who has levels of " niceness " according to how much money you have .  I said I needed a receiver that was under 1000 dollars . He said he had one in the back stock area as he only has the 10k receivers out on shelves . He said that the box was sealed and he would not open it .  It was a Yamaha RX A2 and as I was familiar with that one ( from reviews ) I paid for it . 

When I got home I called my audio /video installer who I always use for all my electronic needs .  He connected it and the volume did not work . I called Moe and he said I must have broken it .  I said that I have nit touched it and a professional installer hooked it up . This is what he does all day long .  He refused to let me come and exchange it and had his tech call me .  The tech said he doesn't know what the reason is but to do a hard reset . I asked how he he said " look it up on google ."   

I called the owner again as I could not find anything on google and he said that if he felt like it and had the time , he'd try to find how how to do a reset .  

Over the next few days I begged him to let me come and exchange it , or even have his tech come and pick it up and repair it . He would no longer respond . He said he will NOT exchange it or refund my money . That was the last he said .  I cannot believe how unprofessional and crooked he is . The store is a ripoff . Please go elsewhere . Citibank is currently investigating him 

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