  • Report:  #1531111

Complaint Review: AntHimeCh -

Reported By:
Anonymous - Anonymous, Anonymous, Cambodia

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Report Attachments

jtoegi shows evidence in his videos supporting his claim how AntHimeCh is a bad person

This is to petition Froot fans and the VShojo company to help support funding lawyers to send cease and desist orders at AntHimeCh from bothering Froot, Her Mother, and her friends like FalseEyeD. #SaveFroot #WeLoveYouFroot! #WeStandwithFroot #OurQueenoftheUnderWorldisinnocent #Frootstanforever #StandwithFrootsMom


Edgy Vtuber Gets Caught Lying And Tries To Hide From It



Ant Hime's Mistakes: What she got wrong about Froot



Froot Did Nothing Wrong 



jtoegi quotes archive for this report in defense of ApricotFroot


In an interview Ant makes it very clear she made the Froot Documentary for content and that she didn't have any personal connection to Froot. There was no mention of a hurt friend or anything of the sort. So she either is lying or hiding it for some reason. At this point I'm extremely skeptical of anything she says lol.


She made a mildly upset comment at Nux and later apologized. Wow the harassment. She didn't want to play game because she had a family member who is trans and so decided to peacefully ignore the game. Oh my God this harassment is so bad!!!! She allegedly cheated on her ex husband who has accusations of being abusive and manipulative. Oh my god the HaRAssMeNT!!!!!!

Bruh did you just completely ignore my point about how  they could be real? it's hypocritical to call Froot a transphobic sociopath for saying something edgy years ago. I say edgy s**t too. Ant says even more edgy s**t then both of us. She's being a huge hypocrite by acting like she has the moral high ground. Froot has shown lots of support to the LGBT. I don't give a f**k about edgy jokes from years ago. I literally explain all this in the video and you're deliberately lying right now. 


Also you forgot to mention how Ant lied about the five guys. There is zero proof and she is lying through her teeth by saying the anonymous nude leaker proves it. That is complete bullshit.


I literally have seen, read, and screenshot it!!! How is that not proof? I've seen that stupid story so many times. She straight up lied bruh!!! She qouted the bullshit beat for beat. And yes there are people calling Froot a transphobic sociopath because that was from a direct qoute in Ant's comment section. Ant even hearted it. I know this because I screenshot it!!!



Edit: Found the comment I was referring to. Name is amberlamps. second paragraph. Apparently Froot is a sociopath who backstabs people because she said something edgy years ago lol



Edgy Vtuber Gets Caught Lying And Tries To Hide From It 



Here's some timestamps!!!

Training 1:41 

Bat Intro 7:32

Unreliable Evidence 8:47

Ant Hime is a Hypocrite 11:06

Ant Hime Harassed Froot 13:51

Ant Hime's Fake Justice 16:27

Vtubers & Privacy 20:15

Ant Hime's Potential Response 20:50

Outro 22:33

Secrets Revealed 25:38



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