  • Report:  #1515786

Complaint Review: Allentown Vibes - Buffalo New York

Reported By:
Von - Buffalo, New York, United States

Allentown Vibes
93 Allen Street Buffalo, 14202 New York, United States
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The owner, Tai Quarles of Allentown Vibes, 93 Allen Street, Buffalo, NY 14202 hires local 'junkies' to go steal merch for him to sell in his store. We know this because, Tai is very open about it. He has been selling everything from bikes, shoes, clothes, tv's, furniture you name it. All stolen. Fake gucci and prad bags, fake hypebeast clothing (supreme, yeezy) etc. 

Also, this is a 'buy, trade, sell' type of business. If you leave items to sell on consignment, you WILL NOT GET IT BACK OR PAID if sold. He screws everyone over. Him and his workers a problem on the block. This business needs to be shut down asap. 

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