  • Report:  #498815

Complaint Review: Gateway computers - Irvine California

Reported By:
Janet Wallace - Port Saint Lucie, Florida, USA

Gateway computers
7565 Irvine Center Dr. Irvine, 92619 California, United States of America
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After calling Gateway customer service, and they are very hard to understand. Another business a sell-out to the American consumer and employment.

This is the third time I have to send my computer for repairs and it is at my expense. When I spoke to someone in America the highest level Technician as Gilbert called himself, that the last problem I had was something entirely different than what I sent it in for. My harddrive crashed and he said it didn't, I guess I'm a liar and he said I was. Now I have another problem with this piece of junk and I have to have it repaired myself.

I requested a copy of my repairs and he said he couldn't give it to me and I requested a number for their corporate office and he refused. Are they afraid?

This is the third time my computer has to be repaired and it costs me money every time. They do not replace computers, no matter how bad they are and how bad the repairs are, only they deciede if the computer needs to be repaired and according to Gilbert, it doesn't matter how bad it is, they don't replace them.

I guess Gateway is doing so well in this economy that they treat their customers like %$#@, that is their choice, I don't have to buy their product, that is my choice.


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