  • Report:  #1978

Complaint Review: IMPULSE_CREATIONS - Mitchell S.D.

Reported By:
- Millerton, N.Y.,

MITCHELL. S.D. Mitchell, ? S.D., U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Within the past few months, myself anf at least 90 other people have been cheated and deceived by the following company from Mitchell,S.D.

http://ratings.auctions.yahoo.com/show/rating?userID=impulse_creations& They show pictures of sports super stars like Griffey, Ripkin, Mays and advertize the cards as being sets from 1969 to the present, to this date i know of nobody who has received a card older than 1986 and they certianly aren't sets! They are cards that us collectors give away or throw away after we take out all the stars.. The cards are just worthless no name commons!! A couple weeks ago after dozens of people complained about them, they Impulse emailed some of us and said if we would change our feedbac k rating of them from bad to average, they would reimburse us plus give us an extra $25.00, They also haven't fulfilled that promise!! They opened up under a name called kardKing_2000 and tried selling for about a week, but too many people are on to them, now they just surfaced under the name

http://page.auctions.yahoo.com/user/impulse_inc?u= and selling the same gargage that has gotten them so much neg. feedback before, It seem like YAHOO isn't going to do any thing about them, some of us are also contacting these other agenceys!! thank you for your time. Dave


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