1, Report:
Posted Date:
May 27 2018
Leap with Alice Caesar Medel, Ceo of Leap with Alice The company Leap with Alice and the Ceo Caesar Medel scammed me. I published in 3 medias for him and he they had to pay me $1500. They asked me to wait 15 days and I did. When I asked for the money after 15 days they did not reply me and blocked me. Central Florida Florida
Hi, The f*g Caesar Medel is a mother f*r. He scammed me of $1500. We had a deal that I will publish him in 3 medias and he will pay after 15 days. I did my work and asked them for money but they said me to wait for 15 days. When I contacted them in telegram, some f*g people were rep...
Leap with Alice
Categories: Online business, Online Trading, Online, Online Marketing