  • Report:  #45498

Complaint Review: Www.teenfarm.com - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Red Oak, Iowa,

www.teenfarm.com Omaha, 60611 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I check my balance daily, and one morning I found that my Credit card was charged $39.95 from iBill and another charge of $39.95 from SuperIopay.

I called my bank and found that my card was used the night before. When I questioned my 10 Year old son he told me that he was on line and the add "pop-ed up" and ask for my credit card number.

I called both company's from the phone number listed on my on-line statement and they said that they would put the money back in right away, My Bank placed the money back under Visa E-Commerance laws.

They never made an attempt to put the money back in like the e-mail they sent me said they would. The Bank sued them and won their case. Now, they are attacking the bank, Chase Manhattin corporation, what is wrong with them?

Rev rodney

Red Oak, Iowa

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Kids these days?

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 26, 2003

Why would you allow your 10 year old son NEAR a computer with your credit card? That is the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard. I have 3 children myself and ALWASY supervise them when they are on the computer...and they have absolutely no access to my creidt card. I praise the genius of your 10 year old son who surfs adult sites and buys memberships to adult paysites and uses YOUR email address and information to signup. You should enroll him in MIT courses immediately.


Bullhead City,
Whats wrong with YOU?????

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 16, 2003

Rev Roney. I went and checked out teenfarm.com. It is a web site about teenage girls having sex with animals. Truly the sickest kind of porn. You say the ad magicaly popped up and your 10yr old son just gave them your credit card info huh. Hmmmm whats wrong with this picture? A 10yr old that has his Dads credit card account numbers? Unlikey. Red Oak Iowa heh? Cant be to many Rev. Rodneys there. I think I will check out your story a little Rev. If it dont check out well........... I'll be back


Check Again

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 16, 2003

The Area Code is NOT a Nebr. Zip Code, it is a Montana code and the Zip is from the Chicago area

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