  • Report:  #149326

Complaint Review: White Glove Moving & Storage TRUSTED BUSINESS | Verified™ Safe …businesses you can trust. Commitment to customer satisfaction positive rating for its customer support from Ripoff Report. Feel confident and secure in the fact that White Glove Moving and Storage has worked with over 18000 consumers & businesses nationwide. - Jersey City New Jersey

Reported By:
- Yucaipa, California,

White Glove Moving & Storage TRUSTED BUSINESS | Verified™ Safe …businesses you can trust. Commitment to customer satisfaction positive rating for its customer support from Ripoff Report. Feel confident and secure in the fact that White Glove Moving and Storage has worked with over 18000 consumers & businesses nationwide.
930 Newark Ave Jersey City, 07306 New Jersey, United States of America
1.800.667.MOVE 6683
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Report Attachments

REVIEW UPDATE: November 5, 2018: White Glove Moving remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. White Glove Moving is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, White Glove Moving has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Ripoff Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, White Glove Moving has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever White Glove Moving remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected]

Ripoff Report REVIEW: EDitor's UDATE: Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to White Glove Moving and Storage for customer excellence & professionalism from Ripoff Report. White Glove Moving & Storage is the first moving company in the United States to be Verified by Ripoff Report.

This EDitor has reviewed the Reports regarding White Glove Moving and Storage and has found that out of over 18,000.00 moves White Glove Moving & Storage only sustained 10 complaints of which 2 were found to be posted by an unscrupulous competitor. The small number of reports in relation to clients shows that White Glove Moving and Storage has a customer vision presence from the CEO on down. Rip-off Report found that all issues that were resolved as part of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Program. However that is not good enough for White Glove Moving and their executives who have have worked with the Rip off report in order to implement customer vision program so that they can be the industry leaders in an industry fraught with bad service and scammers.

Consumers can feel safe, confident and secure in using White Glove Moving and Storage with the knowledge that they belong to the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program which places the consumer first.

No moving company has ever committed themselves like White Glove Moving and Storage has to the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. They are a unique shining example of commitment to the customer in their field of work. Read our investigative report and White Glove Moving and Storage's 100% commitment to customer satisfaction. How can you not trust a company that is working this hard to satisfy their customers and has been in business for 18 years.

Read more about White Glove Moving & Storage Commitment to Excellence and Total Consumer Satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..



White Glove Moving & Storage Jersey City New Jersey

This is a complaint against White Glove Moving & Storage, 930 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 222-8300.

In May 2005 I spoke with a representative of White Glove (Ned) about using their company to move from Missouri to California. The agreement was that they will charge based on weight, and after describing in detail all of the items in my house, the estimate was for 6,000 lbs at 69 c/lb, or $4140. The crucial aspect of the move was the date of delivery, and I was told that they will prioritize the shipment to my desired date, but no way will it be longer than 2 weeks. This seemed reasonable, and I decided to hire them.

As I wasn't able to pack myself, I asked the company how much they would charge for full packing, and they said 22 c/lb, so I agreed to that as well.

When the movers came, they packed evrything, although most of the boxes they used were mine. Once everything was loaded-up on the truck, they said that if they weigh the shipment it will be at least 20,000 lbs, and I'll end-up paying upwards of $18,000 on top of which there will be all sorts of surcharges and fees that were never mentioned before. If I agreed to a "flat price" of $13,000, then there would not be any more charges. I felt my hands were tied, because he was going to be weighing the truck, and he could make it up as he wanted to. I felt I had no choice but to agree to this crazy new price. Subsequently, the guy demanded $400 cash tip, and when I stated that I did not have that kind of money laying around, he said he would follow me to the bank, so I could make a withdrawal. These men followed me (a single female) to the bank located 10 miles away in the huge moving truck, with all my earthly possesions in it. There is no way to describe the terror I felt. They may have as well had a gun pointed at me, as I felt I was being robbed. However, all I could withdraw from my account was $200, and when I told them this news, they informed me that they will wait at the local Wall-Mart parking lot, until I bring the remaining $200.

When I brought the cash 3 hours later, I had to crawl-up to their truck cabin. The driver (Sonam) at that point called his dispatcher (Alex), who asked me how I liked their service. Imagine how surreal this situation felt! All I could muster to say was that I felt it was much more expensive than I ever imagined, and he said that since I provided most of the packing materials, he will take-off $400, so my new total was 12,600. It struck me as very coincidental that the "discount" was the exact amount of the "tip".

The truck left Saint Louis on 6/16, and it was supposed to arrive in California anytime between 6/22 and 6/29. I was starting a new job on 7/1/05, and all the guys at the company I spoke with knew that I have to have my shipment before that time.

First I received a call saying that there is some sort of a problem and the shipment will arrive on 7/2, then 7/6, then definitely 7/9. They claimed that the truck broke down in Arkansas, and they needed to special order a part for it. Then they had a nerve to tell me that they are not late at all, because they only guarantee 14 business days, not 2 calendar weeks. This was completely outrageous, as I had numerous conversations with multiple people, and they never mentioned any business day technicality to me before.

Regardless, the new "manager" I was dealing with now was Gaby, and when I complained to him about the fact that his drivers practically robbed me of $400, he said that he would apply that towards my payment. I then re-iterated to him the point that I was being grossly overcharged for this move, and upon reviewing my list of belongings he agreed. He said that at most I had between 11,000 lbs and 12,000 lbs worth of goods, and my new bill was 10,465. Now there was no mention of taking $400 off for packing materials, but he was going to apply the "tip" towards the payment, so that at least I wouldn't lose that money.

In the meanwhile, under these circumstances I couldn't even start my new job, so meanwhile I am broke.

During all of this I contacted a movers rescue group that was willing to load my stuff onto their truck and bring it to me. Miraculously, as I had this new group to relieve them of my property, they stated that the mechanic is just finishing with the repairs, and the truck will start moving towards California within 2-3 hours, so that they will not be able to delay the shipment any longer. This was on Friday 7/8, and they stated my shipment would arrive no later than 7/12.

Today is Monday 7/11/05, and I finally got a hold of the driver (Sammi) on his cell phone. He tells me they are in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, which is hard to believe, given the fact that they supposedly left Arkansas on Friday. Furthermore, there is no way that at this rate he'll make it to California by tomorrow.

I am scared to find out how much extra cash they will demand on this end, and how much stuff will be missig or damaged.

This company is shady at best. Do not do any business with them as their tactics are similar to that of the mob. This is the worst case of false advertising, misrepresentation, extortion and bad faith.

Natasha Yucaipa, California

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