  • Report:  #2228

Complaint Review: wallace tranmissions & auto repair - grand prairie texas

Reported By:
- killeen, tx.,

wallace tranmissions & auto repair
602 e. pacific st. grand prairie, 75051 texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
wallace transmissions in grand prairie tx. rebuilt my trany in oc

tober of 1998. i began having trouble the first 4 months after.

to make a long story short ,for the last year the truck had

been in and out of their shop with no luck.finally after keep-

ing the truck for aprox. a month ,i took it to another trans-

mission shop.who not only fix my trany in 2 days,but also told

us that the parts used in the first job did not belong in the

transmission to begin with.some of the parts belonged to

other transmissions

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