  • Report:  #1886

Complaint Review: Village Laundry and Tailor - Cranston, Rhode Island

Reported By:
- Cranston, RI,

Village Laundry and Tailor
2201 Broad Street Cranston,, 02905 Rhode Island, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In the summer of 1999 I brought four pair of trousers to the Village Tailor. Three pair were marked by a woman to have the waist taken in and the fourth to be hemmed. I returned one week later and brought the trousers home and tried them on, the hemmed pair was fine, but the other three pair were taken in too much and the extra fabric cut out. When I brought them back, the woman said that they send most of their alterations out to a man that has been doing their work for years and didn't understand what happened, but she would do what she could do to fix them.

I returned a few days later to find them in worse shape than before. They were sewn with two colors of thread and a big V cut out of the back ot allow more room. I asked for the owner and when he looked at the trousers said pointedly " my guy didn't do these, I have been working with him for years and this is not his work". He said that when I took them home to try them on that I switched the three pair that they altered with another three pair of pants.

I told him that they were the same pants and that they were the only pants that I had altered in the past six months. The woman, who I later realized was his daughter-in-law, remembered the pants and marking them for me twice but would not take my side.

I contacted the RI Attorney General's Office to assist me but

he would not make good on the cost of the pants nor would he return the cost of the alterations.

The cost of the pants were $180.00 and alterations $35.00

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