  • Report:  #1419745

Complaint Review: TIgerdirect.com - Miami Florida

Reported By:
Jeff - Dewitt, Michigan, United States

7795 W Flagler St Miami, 33144 Florida, United States
1 (888) 278-4437
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I bought two items from Tigerdirect, each with a $20 rebate offer attached.  They sent me (2) American Express Prepaid Rewards cards each loaded with a $20 balance.  Now here's the scam: The cards were issued to me back in 2012 and bear expiration dates of 06/20, leading one to believe they have eight years to redeem said cards.  They also say on the front of the cards "Funds do not expire."  Well I've just come to find out that's a F'ing lie, and that after six months they (American Express) began syphoning $2/month off of each card for a "maintenance fee" (massive violent eye roll).  Now why the hell would Amex put an expiration date of eight years in the future on the face of the card when they know d**n well that, mathematically, the card would be completely drained within a year and a half of inactivity, other than to mislead and scam the customer?  I would have redeemed the cards much sooner but any time I attempted to make a purchase with them the cards were declined, I'm assuming because they're tied to some zip code that is clearly not mine, so they ultimately got tossed into a drawer to be dealt with at some other time.  That time was today, when I learned that both cards now carry a zero balance because American Express stole their money back.

 I'm just totally grossed out by this entire experience from start to finish.  I am a cardholder of American Express credit and charge cards as well and always thought Amex was a more honest company than this.  I hope they enjoy the $40 they stole from me, because it's ultimately going to cost them much more than $40 as I will no longer be using their credit or charge cards after this experience.  It does NOT cost their F'ing company $2/mo to "maintain" these rebate cards!  How disgusting that this is even legal.  F-U, Amex!  And I'm done with your scam rebates, Tigerdirect!  Fool me once...

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