  • Report:  #58895

Complaint Review: The National Library Of Poetry - Internet

Reported By:
- Lubbock, Texas,

The National Library Of Poetry
www.poetry.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Poetry.com, Also known as The National Library of Poetry has come to terms with their deceptive "publishing" practices. Mentioned on one of the most popular sites for professional freelance writers, www.writersweekly.com (Wispers and Warnings Section), as being a major scam for newbie writers.

Several years ago I entered a poetry writing contest put on by the "publisher" hoping to be published and possibily win the contest prize. Well, I did get published but there was no prize. In fact, I had to pay for the book that my work was publised in. It was about $50.00 at what they called a "publiser's discount". Okay, I was in Junior High and my parents paid for the book.

You'll notice that I have put the word publisher in quotes several times here. The reason for this is that publishing does not work this way unless you are self-publishing, paying for the printing and marketing of your book. All other forms denote that the AUTHOR gets paid by the publisher. Any publisher not paying for a writers work either online or in print is ripping off writers.

There is another thing to add to this scam company's wrap sheet. They publish absolute nonsense, at least in my case. I am now a professional freelance writer and know how to make sense occasionally, but the poetry I sent in at the time made no sense at all. When I reread the selection I can see how no publisher would rightfully accept it on the basis of making no sense. Some say that poetry must not make sense but that's only if Shakespeare himself wrote it (even that can be understood on the third or fourth try).

So, as you read your websites and surf for the best place to be published for the first time take a look at some true freelancer's sites where paying markets are posted regularly and forget about Poetry.com, they are not worthy of your time.

There are some links on my home page and at the end of this message for writers to find paying markets in which to be published. Some of the listed sites are very good for reference too.



Lubbock, Texas

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Additions to original report

#2Author of original report

Fri, May 30, 2003

As I was terribly long-winded in the first posting I will continue my comments here. As the last message ended here we begin. With the rights of writers in mind I ended my first posting with a list of >>>GOOD SITES FOR WRITERS>>>> http://www.freelancewriting.com http://www.writersweekly.com http://www.writingparent.com http://www.writersdigest.com http://www.nwu.org (National Writers Union) http://www.oursimplyjoys.com I hope these will help you on your journey be published and PAID.

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