  • Report:  #7487

Complaint Review: The Good Guys - Stevenson Ranch Nationwide

Reported By:
- ca,

The Good Guys
Stevenson Ranch, Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I recently purchased a VCR from The Good Guys in Stevenson Ranch, CA. It was an "out of the box" purchase meaning it was a display model and considerably less.

I got the VCR home and proceeded to turn it on... with my husband and three young boys watching, ages 4 - 8, I was abhorred at what I saw. Someone at the store had left a XXX pornographic tape inside this "out of box" VCR I'd just bought. I was SO furious having had to explain to my young sons what they just saw. I called the store and they would do NOTHING! No appology no NOTHING! I then called the store headquarters and they were worse than the store itself. No one bothered to appologize.

I will NEVER shop at the GOOD GUYS nor any other store they own. And I've made it my mission in life to tell everyone that will listen how pathetically disgusting their business practices are.

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


Good Guys aren't always the Good Guys

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, March 19, 2002

Ive had bad experience with them as well in the past. Brought in a SONY minidisc player to get it cleaned up. When it was brought back they BROKE IT! They refused to give me a new one other than taking it back and repair it. Two months later they brought it back again...still broken. Again, I went though the same thing. Two months past here... I got it back....STILL BROKEN! They told me they had to take it back to the repair shop three times before I get a new one. Though, it wasnt broken when I brought it in! Finally, I was willing to press charges against them when I called the corporate office of the Good Guys. They immediatedly called the location where I was having trouble with to give me a NEW ONE. After 8 months of fraustration I ended up a new MD and a portable MD player as well. So you see you need to push the limit there when you want something done. If I was you I could call them back and tell them you will be filing a claim for leaving a pornography video in your VCR youve bought there. You could probably end up with a fresh new VCR without the additional charges or demand an apology if that's what you want from them. I hope things work out for you. GOOD LUCK!


Fri, November 02, 2001

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