  • Report:  #261247

Complaint Review: The Athenian Secret Society - Grove City Ohio, Or Dover, Delaware Ohio

Reported By:
- Pocatello, Idaho,

The Athenian Secret Society
3357 H. Southpark Place Or P.O. Box 6305 Grove City Ohio, Or Dover, Delaware, 43123, 19905-6305 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I receive a little booklet of 56 pages telling amazing stories of people who were rock bottom and just with holding that 2300 years old manuscript changed their lives and they became magnets for all the money, success and love they ever wanted or desired.

They ask for $ 139 that I had to send before friday ( I got the booklet on monday) or all those riches and wonderful treats of a dream-Hollywood life would be lost to me forever.

I am a very skeptical person by nature, and I know that nothing that is worth in this life comes without hard work. Besides, why anyone would want to share those so called powerful secrets for any price??

I started checking the web for a confirmation of what I thought it was, a BIG RIPOFF, and it is.

I am a copywriter and they use pretty powerful techniques to deceive people and sell their manuscript. It is bad copy, but still powerfull enough to get some good people struggling in life.

One more thing, I read another post that connects this ripoff with Kevin Trodeau, and I got me thinking, because not too long ago I bought a book from that guy( I want to lose some weight =) ) and now I got this letter from that Secret Society?

Let's keep our eyes open, so we can help each other.

This is a good place to get a heads up about those who want to get our hard earn money.


Pocatello, Idaho


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Port Jervis,
New York,
This actually does work

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, August 02, 2007

I got a similar letter about a Secret Society and did a lot of research on it. Thing is I got it and it did work. it took the 10 seconds that one of the people in the book said it would. It works for everyone differently. NO you are not going to all of a sudden become a billionaire over a period of an hour. but you WILL start having better fortune (luck if you must call it), in your life. THIS IS NOT A JEANIE. It is a work of your sole (so to say). It is like the book The Secret. Have you read it? I have been applying everything that I can to all of this and let me tell you it IS amazing the feelings you get and the glory you receive. And the best gift I have gotten is the gift of my daughters as my husband was told he could not have anymore children. So you can all take this the way you want. (And yes I have been getting more fortune also). Cautious and a Believer Tri State Area NY

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