  • Report:  #1274425

Complaint Review: Team Quality Services - Auburn Indiana

Reported By:
Edward - Auburn, Indiana, USA

Team Quality Services
4483 Co. Road 19 Auburn, 46706 Indiana, USA
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Team Quality Services is using Untrained Day Labor from Labor Ready, and Canadian Executive Search to certify Quality on General Motors Vehicles, at Lansing Grand River Plant and Tier One, Supply Chain.

They are putting the public at risk! Team Quality Service has been torqueing thousands of Oil Pan assemblies in their warehouse at St. Cathrine Canada with uncalibrated torque wrenches, and the temporary workers do not know the difference or reason for calibration of the tools....Wire Harnesses at Autoliv in Columbia City are certified daily by Labor Ready personnel, untrained and bad parts are passed weekly with no reprocussions to anyone.

Team Quality Service has been informed by their customers that they do not want to pay $25.00 per hour for temporary labor when Team Quality Service was camoflageing temporary workers as TQS employees, and were recently thrown out of Woodbridge Manufacturing in Lansing Michigan, for just that after working on parts for Avon, Martinrea, Yazaki, General Motors.  

Team Quality Services, has escapes on a weekly basis, by passing bad parts on to the customer.


Team quality Services, total disreguard to Quality and public safety is putting the driving public at risk.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Official Response from TQS

#2UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, December 16, 2015

Team Quality Services takes great pride in providing safe, reliable quality solutions to our customers, and this review is of great concern to our team.

Based on the specific details provided in this report, it is clear to us that this review was posted by a disgruntled employee that was recently terminated for poor performance, specifically at the locations he/she listed within the review. Many of the circumstances mentioned by the reviewer are either false or exaggerated.

While there have been isolated instances of lost containment, we always worked diligently with our customers to resolve those situations in a timely and proper manner. It should also be noted that many of those instances were directly related to the poor performance of the disgruntled employee in question, leading to his subsequent termination. Additionally, we communicate with our customers on a daily basis (including those customers listed within the aforementioned review), and we can ensure you that the opinions expressed above are not collectively shared among our customers.

TQS strives to be an innovator in providing quality solutions, containment, and peace of mind to our customers across North America, and it’s disappointing to see libelous claims made by those that didn’t share our team’s vision. 

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