  • Report:  #45259

Complaint Review: T-MOBILE - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Wasco, California,

www.t-mobile.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well i was walking around the mall and i was done for a whopping 3000 anytime minutes for only 49.99 wow sounds great asked if i could call anywhere if i could call long distance if i could roam .

The answers where as follows sure u can you can do all that and more . So i signed the dotted line and there i was hold a new phone that now charged me long distance roaming and no minutes. SO first thing i did was call them. The said well that is what your contract said i said nope not really they said yes it does . So i read it through with a fine tooth comb and that was not really stated but because the generic statement i signed so i whon that battle then the finally got me straighted out per say then the service got bad real bad . So i called and they said we are working on it . Wait a week well during that week my termination agreement went up. So quess what i stuck with this trash nown as t-moble.trash


Wasco, California

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