  • Report:  #9234

Complaint Review: Shareware - UNKNOWN Nationwide

Reported By:
- 57703,

UNKNOWN UNKNOWN, Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Down below you will find the latest emails with Dave at Shareware. Seems he dosn't like this site. But why dosn't he respond?

Should you ever see a Shareware product and consider in purchasing it, I beg you to read just a few of the latest emails I have pasted to this complaint.

my last response: David, David You are really starting to surprise me! Your just a little slow, man. lol Hay, if you think I broke the law then do something about it. I have been using the law against you, idiot! And you call me a Kook?

Mark your calendar David, 8 weeks man, your days, and "?" coming... For what, stealing 19.95! I just may put in a rush Dave, dang camel jockeys have taken over at work, so that I have to do. But, you have given me the energy to complete this website, thank you David.

You will remember me Dave, that you can bank. Or did Janice make my point for me? lol You are really funny Dave...

David, David! I just got me another website name! This one is better than the first! This one will come up with any search that is related to Shareware or Software!

David, check out the first amendment, there you will find that I have the right to say what ever I choose. Now, should I lie {change one of your emails} I can be held liable if you can show damages, that is your only chance in shutting me down. That will never happen, you know it little man, don't you. The truth will hurt, an I will teach you this Dave.

My advise to you Dave, study a little Federal Law, then get yourself another JOB! lol

David, should you be stupid enough to attempt legal action, remember I will counter you with more than you can imagine. Look, you f***ed me, you know it, and the world will know it. I pleaded with you, then you began to make fun of me, and name calling. When my site is finished, looked at by John P. Zelphs {my lawyer} it will go online. With this and ever email you and shareware have written in your response.

Something John had me do, to print every email, placed with a signed note from a witness, notarized, placed in an envelope and mailed back to me. This I have, all in front of me little Dave. So, let your lawyer know what a fool you are, and tell them I will never stop. Then let them know you called me a Kook wasn't it.

The Kook

----- Original Message ----- From: "[email protected]" To: "Joseph" [mailto:removed] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 2:35 PM Subject: RE: shareware

We response to all emails. I also record all emails. You will be held legally accountable for your actions, so act wisely. Damaging business interests can be very expensive, and is easily proved. With that, I leave you to your new hobby.

- Dave

-----Original Message----- From: Joseph [mailto:removed] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:20 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: shareware


are you able to read and truly understand? Claiming to be from anywhere you need to look closely. As you do not know, @home is going out of business, there for I must use another email address. As for CBS, I am on leave for a few weeks, you have my name check it out. As such, I am able to continue my crusade against you and your company.

You speak of me as a kook. That is typical for someone who breaks the law and blames the other. I see you didn't comment on McAfee? Why not, maybe someone at McAfee likes Kooks? Or how about 99% you claim. You and I know that is truly bull s**t.

PS: Why do you continue to reply if I am a Kook? Why didn't you respond to the rip off site? Are you afraid of the emails you have written will come back to haunt you? They are all dated, explain that one Dave. Now, who is the Kook?

It is funny how one can take over a two week period to respond to a support issue with MemoTurbo, but when one attacks Shareware, you tend to respond with in hours. Can you explain that Dave. I know what you did, and this bothers you.

In close: I received a reply to my email to CNET, and seems there are other Kooks with the same problem with Shareware? Hummm? It seems Janice, from CNET, finds some of you're emails repulsive and unprofessional? I wonder what she will think about this one, any comments Dave...

Dave, get a real job. Taking advantage of people is starting to get to you, or is it?

In about 8 weeks, I will be off once again. I have received a name for a web site that closely resembles one of your biggest advertisers. Just remember me Dave, because your day and Shareware's is coming. This you can bank on!

The Kook

----- Original Message ----- From: "[email protected]" To: "Joseph" [mailto:removed] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:41 AM Subject: RE: shareware

The 99+% customer satisfaction rating we have clearly puts you in the kook catgegory. Everyone in business knows there are people like you, so I'm not concerned.

I have all of your emails and our responses showing that the only failure here was in your competence. Good luck with your approach, I'm sure you'll get a few chuckles.

- Dave

PS: Claiming to be from CBS and writing from Hotmail was my first chuckle of the day!

-----Original Message----- From: Joseph [mailto:removed] Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 11:28 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Fw: shareware

Really David, I can not believe you fell for that one! lol You are going to be a lot of fun, you really are. I am sure you have no Idea that 19.95 will cost you so much. Just think, I turned on my first computer less than one year ago. Shareware has been the only company online to blatantly take advantage of me. I spent over 2,000 in the past six months, and not one company was able to fall to the level of Shareware, none. I had some problems, well one. But, they stood by there product, and replied to my email with such speed!

I am also aware the little email I wrote to McAfee stop them from letting you advertise with them. Or maybe because my Uncle Ronnie, executive producer, was able to switch CBS to Norton's?

I am so sorry for that, yes it was me. Now, I just received word of the business you do with CNET. As I find out more about the operations at Shareware I will forward them to all that apply. You can keep the 19.95, I will not be needing it. Just think, what it will cost you in the future... you fool

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joseph" <[mailto:removed] To:
> The reason I am writing you, is to ask if CNET is in business with > shareware. I am one of the many victims of "Dave" from shareware. I > bought the MemoTurbo back in March of last year. I had the Me > operating system, and I thing you know where I am going. Seems > Shareware "Dave [email protected]" used a known stall tactic, > thus causing me to miss my refund date. > > I just need to know if you can point me in the right direction, and > so I may find out what kind of arrangement your two companies have. > I am working on a story, so your rapid reply will be most helpful. > > If you are the one to answer this question: What are your views on > the way Shareware does business. I mean, do you agree with the auto > response system, Shareware uses to screen emails, thus making it > impossible to get a response before the money back guarantee runs out?

> And does CNET condone this practice? > > Thanks so much, > [mailto:removed]

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