  • Report:  #64962

Complaint Review: Scrap In A Snap - Lehi Utah

Reported By:
- Houston, Texas,

Scrap In A Snap
98 N. 1200 Street Lehi, Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm sure glad some people are starting to speak up about this fraud of a company. They're like the gestapo. Do they forget that we are in America and we can speak our opinions freely? They even have a person that monitors internet sites, looks for people that don't say the right things, and then they fire you. They do deserve to go out of business.

My complaint is bounced checks. I had two checks bounce from them and it wasn't for even that much money. One check that bounced was for $25 and the other was for $18. It's pretty pathetic that they can't even cover checks for this small amount. Then, it took me weeks to even get another check sent to me. Plus, they won't even reimburse me for bounced check fees. For weeks, I tried to call the company, but no one would answer the phone and all their voice mail boxes were full. It was a miracle, that I even got in touch with everyone. Nice way to run a company! And the president even has the gall to tell people that it's all lies. This is so unethical, they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for preying on people like this.

They are complete liars when they say that consultants are lieing about bounced checks. I've even attached a photo of a bounced check for proof. How will crap in a snap call me like their other consultants liars now! If you don't believe me, just call their bank.

Zions Bank

620 East Main Street

Lehi, UT 84043

Phone: 800-789-8800


Houston, Texas

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Good companies bounce checks???

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2003

I must respond to the statement that Randy makes saying that all companies have bounced a check at one time or another (I am paraphrasing)...COME ON!!! My husband owns a business...guess what!! He has NEVER bounced a check to his customers or to anyone else for that matter. It is called HONESTY. (not to mention balancing your accounts and KNOWING what is in them and what is not) Throughout my experience with SIAS, they have made promises over and over that they haven't kept. I was supposed to receive the cutest charms for promoting in the business. Have I seen them??? Never. Have I questioned my uplines and area managers about them. Yes. Do I have them? NO!! Memories By The Month. This program was started way back in January. To date, only 3 kits have been sent to customers. This was supposed to be monthly. This company does not work 24/7 to get these products out in a timely manner. And on top of that, they will PRECHARGE your credit card for these products. Many of my MBTM customers have NEVER received their product, although they were charged, or it took such a long time to receive the product that they just gave up on it. This entire program has been totally mismanaged. Maybe that is the issue..maybe the people at SIAS are not bad, but mismanagement is the issue. Whatever the cause is, this company has many, many problems. We were promised for months about getting new catalogs. For almost six months I couldn't run my business because there were no products in the warehouse..at least not enough to keep a business going. Almost every product was on backorder. The only people who were lucky enough to be able to keep their businesses going were those who had a ton of inventory that they could sell on hand. If you could look at the consultant website now, you would see that the last time the product list was updated (that is our list of backordered items) was in May. There was one post in June about one product. The backordered/discontinued list in May was a mile long. I still have no idea what is really going on with the product line at SIAS. We don't even know what products they have. Oh yes, that's right...nothing is in stock! Silly me!! Although I am not informed re the tax situation with SIAS, I wouldn't put it past them. It is true that SIAS has a consultant that is perusing the boards to check for negativity. The SIAS consultant that is checking out the boards for negative comments is truly a wonderful lady and I did learn alot from her at one time. But she has rose tinted glasses on at this point..or either she hasn't experienced the joy of receiving a bounced check from SIAS or having to wait and wait and wait on backordered products for MONTHS and having to jump through hoops to get her money back. You know, the thing is...I gave SIAS a chance. After one bounced check I was willing to give them another chance, but then more bounced checks occurred. Once is one thing..but several times?? Promises were made and not kept. And not once, but over and over and over. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. I wouldn't put up with this type of treatment from any company, but certainly not one who I believed in and at one time thought I could build a business with their products. Surely SIAS gives its customers and consultants more credit than to believe that this is just coincidence. But they continue to make excuses and blame others. Scrap In A Snap has a long, long, long way to go to make up for their poor customer/consultant service and poor business record. Randy, wake up and smell the coffee....you need to listen to your consultants and customers. You need to get your money issues straightened out and start flying right. You need to work 24 hours a day beginning NOW until MBTM is caught up and customers are happy. It is just that simple. How dissappointing it is to have to say these things about a company that I once believed in.


Salt Lake City,
Well I have to say that I do not believe your post

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 31, 2003

We have never denied the fact that checks have bounced before, I am sure that there is not one company in this great land of ours that has not bounced a check...as I am sure that several of the nameless who post behind a wall of fake names have bounced there share of checks. But to say that we have never paid the check fee's is a total lie...I was reading that a picture of the bounced check is attached to your post? but it does not seem to appear? is this another lie from someone who is angry, but not angry enough to state there real name? If you would like to discuss any check fee's that you feel are owed to you please contact me personally at [email protected] and they will be taken care of promptly. Good Day

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