  • Report:  #1063098

Complaint Review: Samsung - Internet

Reported By:
Stephen - Kansas City, Kansas,

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I bought a Samsung Galaxy II about 6 months ago. I was excited about the phone because I figured that it would be a nice upgrade from my LG

Optimus that I had before. Initially, I was going to buy the iPhone 4, but decided to give the Samsung Galaxy a try.

After having the phone for 2 months, it quit charging and would not turn on. When I called Samsung, they had me ship the product to their

Plano, TX repair facility. Meanwhile I am phoneless! The repair took about a week and a half. (Issue 1)

When I got it back, for some reason, the menu button on the phone would continually activate, making calls, texts, internet surfing,

etc. It happened without cause and this tic would usually start during the worst times, such as when I was trying to make a phone call or

answer a text. When the phone goes through these menu seizures, I would have to wait until the phone was done before being able to make

a call. (Issue 2)

I did call Samsung again and they told me they could fix it again, but I did not send it in because I did not want to go phoneless again.

(See: Issue 1) That was about 3 months ago, and I have been dealing with the Samsung Bug since.

Most recently, around about 2 weeks ago, the phone quit working again. Mind you, the phone is only 6 months old, is kept in an Otter phone

case, and does not really do much activity other than be carried from one air conditioned office-type setting to my air conditioned house.

(Issue 3)

The customer service associate at Samsung had me do all the flashing and factory resetting that they normally do. This time, they thought

the issue was that Jelly Bean wasn't downloaded and installed on the phone. (Why exactly does a huge company like Samsung need to have

additional operating systems that need to be downloaded and installed by the customer to ensure that the phone maintains basic capabilities

such as turning on, making phone calls and receiving texts?) When I did the factory reset was completed, the phone would not

reactivate correctly even though the reset was completed. Customer service sent me to a Samsung store inside a Best Buy to have a

"software re-flash" done, and the rep at the Best Buy said the phone was messed up and he couldn't fix it.

So I sent it in to Samsung (me, again inconveniently phoneless!) and they have sent me this letter.


Thank you for your patience.

Your product was shipped on 6/28/2013 at 7:21 PM EST.

Service Ticket Number: 4119738716

Ship Company: UPS

Tracking Number: XXXXXXX

Serial number: XXXXXXXX

Please view additional information below for more details.

Original Problem:


Problem found:




If you have any additional questions, please call us at

1-888-987-4357and reference Ticket Number: 4119738716.

Thank you.

Samsung Electronics America



This is when I found out what BER means (Beyond Economical Repair). I IM'ed another Samsung customer care person and they asked me to phone

them which is ironic, considering they have my phone.

The nice lady for Samsung said that the phone was damaged due to water. When I informed her that the phone was not exposed to water she

said it was probably humidity.

I asked her if perhaps the solution would be not to buy Samsung products anymore and she said other brands have the same issues. I

asked her how it could be that the phone doesn't work from humidity? I live in the Midwest; it is very humid here. If I had known when I

bought the phone that it would be damaged and break regardless of the care and case I purchased and that Samsung would not honor their warranty agreement, I would have NEVER purchased the phone and stuck to my original pick and purchased an iPhone. Because of the inherently

damaged product and the equally faulty customer service I have received, I intend to NEVER buy another Samsung product again.

This is one of the most ridiculous situations I have ever been involved in. I thought Samsung was a reputable company that kept their

promises and produced quality technology and electronics, but rather they are one that sells faulty products. Beware of purchasing phones

as they break from “humidity”. MAYBE if Samsung knows that certain climates render their phones completely useless, THEY SHOULDN’T SELL


I have learned two very important lesson from all of this.

1. Never buy Samsung products.

2. Samsung does not keep their word

3. When faced with the original decision to buy a iPhone 4 or the Galaxy, I should have gone with the Apple product

1 Updates & Rebuttals


I do so love...

#2General Comment

Sat, June 29, 2013

I do so love reports like this. Basically you want to blame Samsung for the corosion YOU caused. By either accident or design. Humidity can mean a few different things. 1. A steamy bathroom. 2. Inclement weather. 3. Splashing water/liquid on device.

Samsung techs only have the phone to examine. There is upto 3 Litmis Paper indicators on your phone. One on the battery one on the back of the phone and one internally.  The techs can only report WHAT they find. The techs themselves have NO INFORMATION ON WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU LIVE.

The phone itself was perfectly fine when you got it. It only got to where it is currently FROM YOUR USE. Not Samsungs. YOU made the choices that put your phone where it is today. You CANNOT logically blame Samsung for your screwup. This is not a ripoff no matter how hard you try and play the victim. This is a problem of your own doing. Accept the fact that YOU screwed up and move on. Humidity can also include sweat. If your sweaty and talk on the phone small amounts of liquid are entering the phone. This becomes important when after talking on your phone you put it away without cleaning it off. If you have ever shoved your phone in your pants pocket after such a event, that too will trigger the litmis paper and cause corosion to start forming on the internal parts.

No matter how hard you try, Samsung is not going to give you a new phone. This is a issue caused by a customers use. It is not on Samsung to police where their products are sold. That is the power of the retailer who sold it to you. As Samsung doesnt have a "store" like Apple does, your statement about them not selling their product in specific locations is as silly as your little rant.

Also you seem to have a unrealistic time frame in mind when a phone is being repaired. Its 3-4 days for shipping, 2-3 days with the techs, then 3-4 days for shipping again. I hate to break this to you but things take time to happen. YOU WILL LIVE without your phone. You may be bored, but there are many ways to aleviate boredom that in no way involves your phone. Mankind lived quite well without a cellphone in their pocket for many thousands of years. You will survive a week and a half.

Ignorance can be overcome with instruction and dedication.

But stupidity, theres no cure for that.

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