  • Report:  #1458567

Complaint Review: Samsung Protection Plus - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
MM - Savannah, GA, United States

Samsung Protection Plus
P.O. Box 105689 Atlanta, 30348 Georgia, United States
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I have purchased a Samsung Protection Plus for my Samsung TV through Samsung offers via mail. The contract or service plan do indicate that I am covered for (Accidental Damage: This Service Plan covers sudden, unexpected and unintentional external events that result in “physical” etc.) For the past 5 days and 3+ hours on the phone everyday with Samsung, Samsung protection plus and Assurant Service Protection, Inc. Both Samsung and Assurant denied that I have such a service plan and protection in place in the summary of my contract and service plan while I have the service plan right in front of me and dose state that I am fully covered for it. The plan is good until  02/01/2019. The whole process is painful, frustrating and absolutely unfair. Each and every time I have to re-explain the entire issue over and over again and they deny doing the service according to the service plan I have between Samsung Protection Plus and Assurant protection Inc. This plan and both companies are a total ripoff. I have paid $405.32 for this plan. It is sad that us as consumers face and hold these fraudulent companies liable in the court of law for their actions. Left with a broken TV while I do have a legal Samsung Protection Plus plan. I really wish and hope they can be held responsible for their actions and law suits can be field against these Ripoff companies. Do Not Buy Samsung Protection Plus from Samsung or Assurant Inc. 

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