  • Report:  #66696

Complaint Review: Refund Recovery - Internet

Reported By:
- mira loma, California,

Refund Recovery
http://www.efffxyrgeyvjuyy.com%40donadjemhyntyyy.net@wirbwnvzrffbynab%5enby%28pbz.kelmerwstoo.net/sa Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I like so many other hopefuls bought this get rich Fedex Refund Recovery program. Luckily I only paid 39.99. Some people paid much more. Trying to contact the company was impossible which led me to do some research. Guess I should of done that first!

I came across many angry people that had been had. And funny thing is after reading all the complaints, we all bought the software around the same date. Within a week or two. This company should be found and hopefully sued. It isn't fair to thrive on others who like me are out of work and just looking to make a living. I hope someone finds them and puts them out of business for good!


mira loma, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Please contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-382-4357

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 11, 2003

The Federal Trade Commission needs to know about this rip-off. It is also really important to mention, that the alleged cons are lying and saying they are FEDEX or a part of their corporation. They have to be stopped. In addition, there is no marketable need for this product. Fed Ex Cunstomers can collect a refund cost free, with the right proof. Fed Ex will not let others have access to their customer accounts. Basically, they handle their own refund process. Please contact the Federal Trade Commission at this number: 1-877-382-4357 or access their website at www.ftc.gov. Thank you, Consumer Advocate Rip-Off Report Volunteer

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