  • Report:  #157362

Complaint Review: Quizno Sub - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
- Kerrville, Texas,

Quizno Sub
quiznos.com Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have operated a Quiznos Sub for one year. When we signed on the dotted line, they made it sound like we could make lots and lots of money. They showed us reports of other Quiznos Owners that were doing well. What they didn't show us is the reports that clearly show that 45% of the investors went bankrupt within the first year of business. I have done everything I know to do, to make this business work, but between the royalties, advertising fees, food cost from their vendors, and the hidden cost, I can't seem to get ahead. It is an endless battle from week to week to stay afloat. I went on to a web site called quiznossucks and also toastedsubs.info and found out that I am not alone. There are many franchisees who are struggling as I am. Not that it is much comfort.... What can I (we) do to get our money back out of these investments that are slowly draining our savings, retirement funds and our life??? Please help me. I need some advice on how to recoup what I have put into this sinking ship.


Kerrville, Texas

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