  • Report:  #1231

Complaint Review: Proteva Computers - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Stout, Oh,

Proteva Computers
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a Proteva PC, printer and monitor on 06-16-99 at h.h.Gregg 0n Colerain ave. Cincinnati Ohio. I was supposed to receive rebates on all three items. I received the rebates for the monitor and printer but am still waiting (8mos later) for the $100. rebate on the Proteva PC. I have called with no results.

I like their equiptment but you can be sure that neither I nor anyone else I know will ever buy Proteva again unless I receive this rebate with a satisfactory explanation of why it has taken this long for a responce.

I think the consumers could join in a class action lawsuit against this company to receive their rebates with interest and costs.

Thank you,

William W. Wyatt

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