  • Report:  #1033801

Complaint Review: poetry.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Milwaukee, wi,

internet Internet, U.S.A.
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I also was charmed into the poetry.com scam. They told me they needed my signiature to put it in their book. But if I wanted a copy it would cost me. Then they wanted for their tape...fool me once shame on me fool you twice sham on me for letting you!

They told me how I won a prize etc. and that I have to come to florida to get it. Also told me if I wanted to just have it sent to me it would cost me. I wrote them back that I never heard of such a thing as having to pay for a award you earned!

They later again tried to do the same thing, like I was stupid and would forget! These people use your wrightings and publish books and tapes and make money off your creativity. And you never see a dime!

They told me how I was in the finals for $1000.00 etc.. I guess I always like to see the good in people not realizing what sharks there are out there waiting to make a buck off you! Any way never post your writings on this sight, they take your creativity and make good money off your work!


milwaukee, Wisconsin

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