  • Report:  #700430

Complaint Review: Oxbow Academy - Springville Utah

Reported By:
michaelo - WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, United States of America

Oxbow Academy
757 S MAIN ST Springville, 846630 Utah, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Oxbow Academy is a refuge for underage child molesters.  It is an expensive "alternative" to the place many of the "students" really belong .. prison.  Make sure the checks keep flowing though and as long as your wealthy son has molested a poor (as in literally) girl you and your kid will be absolved.  No genuine remorse necessary.  Prison .. that's for the little people.  Just pay enough and your little monster can stay locked up in a nice boarding school -- that seems to entirely ignore the victims because they're focused on the perpetrators -- a long time.

They claim to have a high "cure" rate .. who knows, because a whole lot of searching didn't show the one year, three year, and five year recidivism rates of their "released" grads.  Actually, it didn't show the release rate at all .. you just have to believe, and pay.

What do the owners of this high-priced excuse-a-thon think about the victims that the students of their "Academy" have injured?  Apparently nothing at all.  They don't contact them, they don't check to see how they're doing, they don't see what a mess their little monsters have left behind .. they're focused on the families of the beasts who write the checks, not the "little people" (literally in the case of the young girls; figuratively in the case of the conveniently disparate wealth) of the people left behind.  Like Enron says .. let's move on, right?  Write the $10K+/mo checks and you can just entirely ignore what the little spoiled monster inside has done.  Say you're sorry and it's all OK .. who cares about the mayhem left behind.  It's not like they're real people (they're not paying Oxbow).

There are three places for most Oxbox "students" that would be a lot more appropriate.  One of them is called "home" .. because they seem to co-mingle victims of sexual abuse with perpetrators.  The second is called "hell" which is the living version of where their victims -- who they don't seem to give one iota of a care about -- live after the high paying kids end up there.  The third is called "prison," which is where poor kids, who do a lot (lot, lot, lot) less end up.

Oxbow seems to be a get out of jail for a really high price card.  Unfortunately, they don't seem to care one iota about the mayhem their little monsters have left behind.  Except for the genuine victims that they co-mingle with the monsters because "hey .. in moral relativism (OK, and when balancing the books) a child is a child is a child" and they all deserve understanding .. even if they've attacked and destroyed the lives of other people, right?

Oxbow publishes the right info about victims.  They even seem to teach the kids to parrot back the right messages.  What they don't do is try to figure out who their monsters have attacked, what damage they've done, and make any type of genuine attempt at either remorse or figuring out what went wrong and making sure it never happens again.  They're great at cashing checks though.

If your kid has been attacked by an "Oxbow Academy" student .. call the police, or Department of Family Services.  If your kid is a victim of sexual abuse, don't send them to live with the perps.  If your kid hasn't attacked anybody but is just a little odd find a better shrink.  But sending the big checks month after month to say the kid is safe is anything but safe; not for society, not for your kid, not for the genuine victims, and absolutely not for justice.

FBI .. go to Oxbow.  Many of these "children" are sex offenders; send them behind bars, where they belong.  There are plenty of well paid psychs who have covered for them .. off to prison they go too.  There are parents who have covered.  Not sure about prison, but get the kids out of those houses.  Then there are some victims of sexual abuse; get them help .. they deserve not to be forced to live with the perps as if everything is equal.

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