  • Report:  #66548

Complaint Review: Omega Office Supply - Interstate Distribution Center - Culver City California

Reported By:
- Costa Mesa, California,

Omega Office Supply - Interstate Distribution Center
17036 Jefferson Blvd #266 Culver City, 90230 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had the same experience with this company:

This company "conveniently" called me after I had contacted my usual toner supply vendor. They informed me that there had been a mistake in the pricing and that they were going to hold the lower pricing for this order only.

They also said that since I needed the toner right away, all I had to do was sign the fax and return it in order for them to release the order.

I then followed up with my assistant and discovered that we do not pay for our toners ... it is included in our contract! ... and that we have no affiliation nor has he ever heard of Omega Office Supply!

Watch Out for these horrible people!!! How can they sleep at night?!


Costa Mesa, California

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