  • Report:  #1454306

Complaint Review: Mom and Pop Business Funding - Portland OR

Reported By:
messed over by Victor and Brett - Grand Rapids, United States

Mom and Pop Business Funding
1001 SW 5th Avenue Suite 1100 Portland, 97204 OR, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

DO Not work with this company and NEVER give them your information if you are a business!!!

I answered an add to sell loans to business'.

I was hired and went thru training with Brett Martin the owner.

I was then placed with a manager, Victor and Judith Feliciano.

Victor seemed really nice, he was very informative, held meetings at least twice a week and was always accessable to talk to.

I wasn't having a lot of luck going business to business as my manager suggested and not a lot of response from phone calls.

I was excited when my daughter in law called me and said her sisters business needed a loan.

I collected the bank statements, and all the other information, and faxed them to Judith Feliciano.

They say that you will have an answer on your file within 24-48 hours.  I faxed the file on Sunday. On Monday, my client had recieved texts, calls and emails from two other companies with offers to lend $200,000.

I was still waiting for my offer paper work from Mom and Popl Funding, (actually waited 2 weeks and never got anything, but stalls).

The other companies that contacted my client said they had their bankstatements and all the information I had sent to Victor and Judith Feliciano.

They refused to tell my client who had given them their information.  My client had only given me the information and thought I had sent their file to lots of different companies.  I contacted my manager Victor with the information , he made up ridiculous excuses on how other companies got the information.

I emailed Brett Martin and told him what was happening and he blew me off and said to just work with Victor on the file.

No one seemed concerned that my clients information was being passed around from the application I submitted, accept myself and my client.

I told Victor the only way for those other companies to get my clients information was from he and Mom and Pop Funding.

They kept saying they were waiting on my offer letter, but in reality, Victor and Judith were trying to fund my file through other companies so they could keep the comission for themselves.

I never even got an offer letter from mom and pop, even though I was told they were approved.

My client found out they had ran her credit 6 times, even though they tell us they run credit les that 5% of the time to approve a loan.

My client personally told Victor she didnt want her credit ran becuase she was in the middle of purchasing a home.

They are crooks and will rip you off!!!  Don't work with this company and NEVER give them your information if you are a business!!!  





6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Does the 58 lawsuits against Bret Martin come into play here?

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, January 17, 2019

 I came across some old court case against this man. He has had 58 lawsuits against him. You can go to this link and look for yourself. https://webportal.courts.oregon.gov/portal/Home/Dashboard/29

. You just have to type in his name and all 58 of them pop up. Not sure if it means he has been scamming people but it may be worth checking into.

Victor is a liar.

Grand Rapids,
United States
Victor Feliciano is a liar

#3Author of original report

Fri, August 03, 2018


You really sound stupid.

Obviously you arent on his training calls when he talks about low hanging fruit. He says in almost every confrece call to go after friends and family and friends of friends, so obviously it is allowed in this company and this industry.

This industry is also not regulated, so who isnt it allowed by?

Bottom line I dont know who you are or what your point is, but you arent anyone to me.  And I d**n sure will not post my clients credit report on here to satisfy some idiot with nothing better to do but defend people she doesnt know and a company that's about to mess her over.

If you like em, great. You don't have proof they won't steal your deals do you? Do you even have proof they fund deals?  Let's see one of your appoval letters.

Basically I am not proving anything to you.  If you want to work for them great.. who cares.  I hope they round all of you crooks up.  If I were you I would transfer to a new manager, especially if you find a nice fat deal they can steal..LOL

This complaint is for those that may want to save their reputation, and their time, so they wont be subject to bottom feeders.  Also to any company considering turning their information over to these liars.  

By the way, if they don't run credit, why is their a space for the social security number on the application, or havent you even looked at the application.

You do what you want, but don't try and prove to others what ya know when ya dont know anything.  You yourself said you only been with them a month. wtf can you possibly know about these crooks in that shor amount of time? You are probably Judith trying to defend her theiving ways.

They can tell you anything, just like they told me.. I am not the only complaint,  Try running a search for Mom and Pop Merchant solutions..same company. Messing over their employees.  , I know you don't have a signed contract with them..LOL no one on Victor and Judith's team does until they fund a loan.. can you guess the reason for that?

Bye dummy. Don't say you werent warned.  You sound like an idiot. You don't know anything that happened, and I am waiting to hear back from the government agencies I sent the emails and text messages from Victor and Bret, and the complaint from my clients...Perhaps after a theral investigation of this company, You can see the governments report..  You could be right,  Maybe it's not all of them, but it is sure some of them!


Cherry Hill,
New Jersey,
United States
Still Defending Mom and Pop

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 03, 2018

 I understand you are frustrated. However you still produced no written proof of any inquiries done by Mom and Pop concerning your clients, and yes Victor did say they were your relatives. In real estate, they call that an arms length transaction, and it’s not allowed, but beyond that, I still see no written proof of any allegation by you. So I will co to us on with the company, and judge for myself until I do, an make this my last response to you. Good luck to you. Rita E. Henderson, ISO Mom and Pop Business Solutions

Screwed over by Victor and Bret

Grand Rapids,
United States
To Rita

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 03, 2018

I don't have a complaint of Victor or Bret not being helpful or answering the phone, So I am not sure why that is even a point you are bringing up. 

I really liked Victor, He was more than helpful until he tried to steal my client.

My client didnt send her file to those other companies, and she didnt send all her bank statements and other personal information out.

That is why she was so upset.  She only gave those things to me.  I am not sure if you missed the part about the client being part of my family.

If you haven't funded a loan yet with Victor's team, how are you writing a "In defense of" rebuttal?  Why not wait until one of your deals fund or gets shopped for you.  I have two Bachelors degrees, one in Business, and one in Psychology.  Not sure why your degree is important, but, uh, ok.

I have worked in the mortgage industry for 20 years and I also worked for a credit repository, so I am well versed in how the system works, or should work, and all tha mumble jumble Victor was trying to run on myself and my client was ridiculous.  If you believed it, I am in serious doubt that you do.

My client called Victor herself to find out what was going on, becuase she did'nt give that information to anyone.  As a matter of fact I had to contact her accountant to have them send me the bank statements.. So I know she didnt personally have them, just sending them out to people.

Belive what you will, bit don't defend someone that you really have no idea what they are doing behind the scenes.  In reality they are just a voice on the phone that you are trusting your reputation and livelihood on.

I wanted to believe he wouldnt have done it too.  That is why I waited over two weeks to get my approval letter, and why I let him jerk my chain for that long.

Let all of us know how long it takes for you to get your approval letter on your loans. I do believe they say within 24-48 hours, the part they left out is, unless we are trying to steal your client and submitting their file to other companies as a broker.

If you think about it, 5% of 200k is 10k.  People have sold out for much less.  Don't get this twisted, I know exactly what happened, I know the system and I know human nature.  You have been warned.  If you submit your clients file through those crooks, you are subjecting them to their personal information out into a non regulated industry with a bunch of vultures and thieves.  That is why the government cracked down on the mortgage industry.  There is way too many snakes in the grass to get the easy money.

Why work yourself, when you can get hundreds of idiots to do the work for you and just take their deals?  

When the Attorney general rolls up on you Rita, and you don't have an explaination of why your clients information funded loans they know nothing about, remmeber I warned you, and I don't return lettersin prison.


Cherry Hill,
New Jersey,
United States
In Defense of Bret, Judith, and Victor

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 03, 2018

 My name is Rita E. Henderson and I work for Mom and Pop Business Solutons for a month now, and I fond your allegations to be very disturbing. I have attended many conferences with Bret, and Victor, and all they do is help me. They have other things to do, but they answer my phone calls, emails, and do conferences twice to three times a week. And did I mention, I have not paid a single dime for all of this service? I have a Bachelors of Science Degree in Finace from Rowan University, and investigated the company thoroughly before I joined, and found no reason to be suspicious. Of course any company that does the amount of business that they do, $7 billion dollars annually and counting, will have a few sour people working for them, but all in all, it is a great opportunity that will yield as much results as a person puts into the job. I brought your allegations up in Thursday’s conference call, and Victor categorically denied them. He said your clients ran their own credit report. They went to several places on their own looking for funding without telling you. As a real estate broker salesperson, I can tell you that many of my real estate clients have done this to me as well, and so this does not surprise me. He says he doesn’t ever run the clients credit, that it’s solely based on the business, and that he explained this to you for hours on the phone, and that you understood, and so he is surprised by this report. Mom and Pop has no rating with the Better Buisness Bureau and they would if they were "Crooks” as you say. I have found positive reviews, I have attached one, by Phillip Parker. See I produce proof. At this point I am demanding that you produce the 5 or six incidences of Mom and Pop running the report. The name will be right on the credit report as an inquiry. You can cross out all of the sensitive information. If you don’t have that, then you need to remove your report. Period. Have a wonderful day. Rita E. Henderson, ISO Mom and Pop Business Solutions


Cherry Hill,
New Jersey,
United States
In Defense of Bret Martin, Victor Feliciano, and Judith Feliciano

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 03, 2018

 My name is Rita E. Henderson. I have worked for Mom and Pop Business Solutions for a little over a month now, and I have attended all of the conferences calls and training. Bret, Victor, and Judith have gone out of their way to help me, I hold a Bachelor degree in Finance from Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ, and so I investigated the company very well before I went forward. And any company that does over $7 billion in business is bound to have a few sour people, but all in all, I have found positive reviews on this company, including an A plus review from Philip Parker, June 22, 2017, at the web site Credit Card Processors. In fact, this company has NO rating at the Better Business Bureau, and it would if indeed, they were, "CROOKS,” ad you claim. Also at Tuesday’s conference call I asked Victor to explain your allegations. He said that your clients ran their own credit with several banks without admitting it to you in search of a loan. They never ran their credit once. Mom and Pop doesn’t run people’s credit. Funding is based on the business information. Victor also said that he spent hours on the phone with you, and that you understood this, and he is surprised by this post. You aren’t with the company any longer. So at this point, I am demanding that you show proof of Mom and Pop Business running the credit. It’s simple. It will be on the credit report. You can black out the people’s social security numbers and address. But show and tell or remove your report. Period.

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