  • Report:  #84183
Reported By:
- Elyria, Ohio,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Another of many people scammed by 'John Woody' on an e-bay auction. I won the auction for SCI-FI 'Red Dwarf' series 3&4 DVD's and was contacted the next day by this person giving the address of 1626 N. Wilcox Avenue#605, LA, Ca 90028 for payment. Payment was mailed the next day and in my e-mail I told him this and asked for verification that he received payment and when the item was mailed. There was no further communication after that, and on 3/12/2004 I revisited e-bay to learn that his account had been suspended - leaving me and many others without their items and any way of being reimbursed.

I am working together with another member in this situation and we have reported him to the LAPD, the IFCC/FTC and the FBI. I have provided them with all the information I have on him.


Elyria, Ohio

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