  • Report:  #28785

Complaint Review: jim lavair - tupper lake New York

Reported By:
- tupper lake, ny,

jim lavair
6 wood ave tupper lake ny 12986 tupper lake, 12986 New York, U.S.A.
518-359 9829
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
to all people in tupper lake or else where beware of a guy named jim lavair of tupper lake ny he's a con artest and to all women don't ever date him he his a money grabbig basturd he will take your whole paycheck if you let him. he is very conceded and he only has one priorty in life and thats his beer. he would drink day and night if you let him.

ex friend

tupper lake, New York

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Bullhead City,
Jim LaVair is Clown Shoes on Parade

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, June 07, 2003

I got no doubt there are lots of good clean decent non drug using and non child molesting folks in Tupper Lake. This Jim LaVair seems to be the ring leader of the scum there however. I uncovered him back in February when I made a general post about Tupper Lake. He then attacked me personally and ever since when I have responded to him he has replied back crying and pissin and moaning like a school girl that I'm picking on him. He should have thought about that before he messed with me. Now h resorts to making up fictious names and posting on here what a swell guy he is. Since then Ive seen posts about him ranging from baby raping to drug use to stealing to backing up the corrupt government ect ect. The list is to long. Not to mention his disloyalty to his fellow workers. Jim LaVair is a piece of s**t and a loser at minimum. I wonder if he's related to Harold and Chris LaVair. If so they should kick his a*s. You suck a*s Jim LaVair. You make Tupper Lake look like a breeding ground for the inbred. Quit getting the young girls pregnant or at least warn everyone you got herpies from Kim. Have a nice day Jimbo


it is to laugh, and laugh, and laugh

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, June 01, 2003

I stumbled upon this site by accident, and boy, am I glad I did! Reliable hours of hilarity. Is everybody in Tupper Lake mentally defective and eleven years old, or do they just write like they are? Perhaps the lake itself is replete with heavy metals? Mama taught me not to mock the afflicted... but.... can't.. help... it! Tupperians, you guys do know that you're doing absolutely nothing to dispel the stereotype that rural small towns are full of ignorant inbreds.... right?


Bullhead City,
Beth and Jim same IP address?

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, May 17, 2003

Well Beth aka Jim I'll play along with this new smoke screen. We will just call Beth Jim's femine side for now. You can go ahead and say anything you want too about me here in the Rip Off Reports. David from Bullhead City is this and David from Bullhead City is that ect ect. It would mean nothing and no one would know who you were talking about. Now when we talk about you .... er I mean Jim then everyone knows immediately who we're talking about. I'm sure glad I'm not the talk of the town like Jim is. I can see the rumors and gossip floating around Tupper Lake about him must be causing him some embarrestment. So much that he actually has gone out of state to find a girl who is of legal age as no real woman in Tupper Lake would have him. Tell us Beth were you an inmate at Sunmount as a teenager? Is that how you met Jim? Did you meet him on the internet? Do you realize if you move to Tupper Lake you will also be the laughing stock of the town. At best he will just get you pregnant like he has other girls there and beat and rob and force you to go out to the local bars and hook for him to support his coke habbit. He probably will let Gary have is way with you also as they are thick as thieves and I suspect they are gay lovers. Now come on Beth everyone cant be lying about him can they? Lots of girls have been in love with Jim and they all end up telling thier horror stories here in the Rip Off Report. Well good luck to you Beth you will need it. Ok now on to you Jimbo. What's my interest in Tupper Lake. Well you hit it pal Bullhead is boring. We don't have characters like you embarresing our town like you do with Tupper Lake on a national consumer avocate website. You make Tupper Lake intersting. Tupper Lake owes you all the credit for dragging them into the spotlight. I'm sure the good decent non drug using citizens there will finally tar and feather you out of town someday if the state or the feds don't jail you before that. Also Jim I dont have to get on the internet and find my women in another state or worse just fabricate a woman like Beth out of my own mind and then use her name to post good stuff about me because everyone in town hates my guts like you. I love you Jim ..... LMAO@Tupper Lake


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Dave Cat, you need to get some, mister lonely

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2003

Dave, This is to inform you that Beth is well above the legal age of consent thank you, and she is wonderful woman so you really need to keep your meaningless comments to your self, and leave her out of this. By the way Dave, why the interest in Tupper Lake, is Bullhead city that d**n boring you have to dream about Tupper Lake and it's residents? Dude, get your self a good woman and stop plugging and tugging, ok. Bye.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Dave Cat, you need to get some, mister lonely

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2003

Dave, This is to inform you that Beth is well above the legal age of consent thank you, and she is wonderful woman so you really need to keep your meaningless comments to your self, and leave her out of this. By the way Dave, why the interest in Tupper Lake, is Bullhead city that d**n boring you have to dream about Tupper Lake and it's residents? Dude, get your self a good woman and stop plugging and tugging, ok. Bye.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Dave Cat, you need to get some, mister lonely

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2003

Dave, This is to inform you that Beth is well above the legal age of consent thank you, and she is wonderful woman so you really need to keep your meaningless comments to your self, and leave her out of this. By the way Dave, why the interest in Tupper Lake, is Bullhead city that d**n boring you have to dream about Tupper Lake and it's residents? Dude, get your self a good woman and stop plugging and tugging, ok. Bye.

Jim's Fiance

Soon To Be With Jim,
You dont even really know Jim, so back off!!!!

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, May 16, 2003

David, If it is any concern of your...I am 21 years old. I am old enough to make my mind up. The consent age for Arkansas is 18 and the consent age for New York is 17. I want you to know that I am in love with Jim, and I am the one that made up my own mind. I don't know what everyone has been saying about Jim or Gary, but I think that you need to get to know them before you pass judgement on them. How would you like it if people started saying bad stuff about you that was not true but everybody that read it or heard it would believe them? Would you want to try and get your side of the story in? Of course you would. The people who write things nasty things about these guys are just trying to make themselves look better by lying. I hope that people would quit listening to what other people say and get to know the person. Bye....I love you Jim.


Bullhead City,
Poor Elizabeth

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, May 14, 2003

You don't understand why people don't like him? Browse thru the Rip Off Reports and you will see why. He (along with his butt buddie Gary) has made Tupper Lake the laughing stock of the nation with his scandulous ways. Even his friends are posting on here telling all just what a character he is. Now I see he's even farming Arkansas for new prey. No doubt because the age of consent is lower there. Do yourself a favor and get thru junior high and meet a nice boy where you live and forget about him.


Fort Smith,
why do people keep bashing this good guy?

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, March 31, 2003

I want to know what everybody is the country has against my man Jim Lavair. He has got to be one of the nicest people I have ever met. You people need to learn how to grow up and be mature adults. I want to let everybody know that Jim Lavair is not like what his ex's have made him look like. I also want everybody to know that I love him very much and you will have to deal with me if you have a problem with MY MAN!!!!!!!!!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
He's a good guy, unlike the girls he dates

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, September 04, 2002

Jim is a good guy and always seems to get the trash for girlfriends. The trash that have given more rides than Laplantes taxi. It seems that the only girls he gets have been USED and ABUSED. So I think you should get a life and stop being a child.

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